

Four official languages are spoken in Switzerland, and Zurich belongs to the German-speaking region. Here people call French-speaking region of Switzerland “Welschland”スイスには、4種類の公用語が存在するが、チューリッヒはドイツ語が話される地域である。フランス語を話す地域は「ウェルシュランド」と呼ばれている。この呼び名はチューリッヒにあるデリカテッセンの名前でもあり、そこでは言うまでもなく、スイスのフランス語地区特有の料理を提供している。






住所:Zweierstrasse 56, 8004 Zurich
時間:火曜〜金曜 10:00〜20:00/土曜 10:00〜16:00(日・月曜定休)
TEL:+41 43 243 98 50

Text : Nem Kienzle
Translation: Kei Shimizu
. That is also the name of a delicatessen store in Zürich which, needless to say, introduces the specialty foods from the French part of Switzerland.

On both sides of the storefront, hand-made dolls are displayed in glass showcases. The plush figures, made into the shape of sausages and cheeses with cute faces, are the art works by a comic creator Nadine Spengler. The store does not have a sign outside, but an animated logo “Welschland” is written on the window. From the colorful decoration, the store looks like a toy store from a kids’ movie. Indeed, the co-owners, Laurent Houriet and Jürg Steiner, look like they popped out of a Belgian comic as well.

Inside the store is as humorous as how it looks from outside. Miniature cable cars run above the heads of the customers. Amid shelves of products, a collage of parodied “Tintin and Snowy” cover-illustrations by the co-owner and illustrator Jürg Steiner adorns the wall. In front of the chalkboard behind the counter, sausages in different color shades and size are on display.

Packed full in this small store are exquisite selection of cheese, sausage, wine, mustard, coffee, tea, and egg. Displayed in the glass counter is a huge selection of cheeses, such as Gruyère and Vacherin. This combination is called “moitié-moitié” (=half-half), and these two cheeses are essential for fondue. Gruyère d’Alpage (100g CHF 3.80) has the strongest aroma of all. It is aged from the summer of 2005. Around this time, many good cheese were supposedly produced – like wine, cheese has its own good year.

Getting a bit overwhelmed from the strong aroma of the cheese, my eyes swiveled to the appetizing saucisson on the wall: smoked sausages with garlic, rosemary, wild pork, and many more. There is also a legendary Swiss liquor “la Fee Verte”, which is made of distilled absinthe. A hundred years ago in Paris, it inspired and enchanted artists such as Picasso and van Gogh. However, due to an accident, it was banned in July 1910. In 2005 the ban was finally lifted, and now it is back in production with a beautiful label design on a transparent bottle.

While listening to the owner talk and jotting down as much information as I could, I soon found myself comfortably sitting on the window sill, sipping an espresso. In the meantime, customers like a journalist from NZZ Folio or a librarian from the neighboring Pestalozzi library drop by the store. The owner brings me into the conversation like I belong to the family already. The store’s cosiness and pure enjoyment of everyday groceries perfectly represent the French-speaking part of Switzerland. If your short trip doesn’t give you enough time for all of Switzerland, then definitely go to “Welschland”. Here you can cover half of the country’s culinary scene and get authentic and delicious souvenir for your friends and families back home.

Address: Zweierstrasse 56, 8004 Zurich
Open: Tue-Fri 10:00-20:00 / Sat 10:00-16:00 (Closed on Sun&Mon)
Tel: +41 43 243 98 50

Text : Nem Kienzle
地址:Zweierstrasse 56, 8004 Zurich
时间:星期二至星期五 10:00-20:00/星期六10:00-16:00
电话:+41 43 243 98 50

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