
photo: Nem Kienzle
From the street, Restaurant Tessinerkeller looks like a winter garden filled with plants and vintage furniture. A messy winter garden at that – once insideレストラン・テシネルケレルは、通りからみると植物とヴィンテージ家具に覆われた冬の庭のように見える。ちらかった冬の庭ーしかし一度店内に入ると、カラフルなコラージュや看板、クリスマスツリーのライト、またガラスのシャンデリアなどが目に入ってくる。そこには、80年代にさかのぼったニューヨークのイーストビレッジを彷彿とさせる雰囲気がある。
メニューは季節ごとに変わる。春は、ワイルドハーブのミックスサラダ(9.50スイスフラン)が登場する。そのハーブは、エッガーさんがグレフェン湖沿いを朝ジョギングする時に集めてくるものだ。メインディッシュには、イシ貝とフレンチフライのセット(レギュラーサイズ 32スイスフラン、ハーフサイズ 26スイスフラン)が人気メニューで、3月までの限定商品だ。すべての肉類は、チューリッヒから南に40キロ離れたスチューデンという小さな村のオーガニック農場から仕入れている。Tボーンステーキのポテトと春野菜添え(36スイスフラン)は、赤ワインのズンデルと良く合う。ズンデルは、スイスのイタリア語圏テッサンのワインである。
住所:Neufrankengasse 18, 8004 Zurich
Tel: +41 44 241 22 28
Text and photo: Nem Kienzle
Translation: Kei Shimizu, you will see colorful collages, signs, objects, Christmas tree lightings and a glass chandelier. It has the atmosphere and spirit of how one imagines New York’s East Village back in the 80’s.
Formerly dreaming to become an artist, the restaurant’s manager, Mr. Christian Egger, has decorated the restaurant with finds from flea markets and second hand stores (the so-called “Brockis”) all over Switzerland. He made the signature mural at the entrance together with his two sons.
The menu changes seasonally. In spring, you can enjoy a mixed salad (9.50CHF) with the wild herbs that Mr. Egger collects when he goes jogging along the Lake of Greifen in the morning. For the main dish, mussels and French fries (full portion 32 CHF, half portion 26 CHF) are an all-time favorite dish but are served only until March. All meat comes from an organic farm in Studen, a small village about 40km south of Zürich. T-bone steak with spring vegetables and potatoes (36 CHF) goes well with a Zundel (2002), a red wine from the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland called Tessin.
In summer, the main dining hall, which used to be a beer hall, is temporarily closed, and the graveled backyard will serve as an outside seating area. Adjacent to the backyard is a run-down looking house filled with soccer team posters and photos from Central Asia on the wall. It is called the “Old Bombay Boxing and Football Club” and opens only during soccer tournaments. If you happen to be in Zürich during the soccer season and want to feel like a local, come to this mysterious but cozy establishment. With a bottle of local Turbinen Bräu beer in your hand, get a seat in one of the well-worn sofas in front of the screen and enjoy roaring with other soccer fans.
In Zürich too many restaurants tend to be trendy and rather uptight, but you see none of minimalist corners, designed logo or reservation book here. Instead, this urban oasis will surely make you feel at home.
Address: Neufrankengasse 18, 8004 Zurich
Open: 17:00-00:00 (Closed on Sun&Mon)
Tel: +41 44 241 22 28
Text and photo: Nem KienzleTessinerkeller
地址:Neufrankengasse 18, 8004 Zurich
电话: +41 44 241 22 28