
Photo: Nem Kienzle
チューリッヒは、その澄んだ水と美しい湖を誇る。「プリミティヴォ」は、リマット川沿いで最高のビーチハウス。ここでは、川遊びをした後に、地ビールやジューシーなハンバーガーを楽しむことができるCity of Zurich prides in its clean water and beautiful lake, and Primitivo is the best beach house on Limmat River。川遊びをしないときでも、仕事帰りの一杯や、川岸でのチェスのために人々はプリミティヴォに集まる。
住所:Oberer Letten, Wasserwerkstrasse, 8006 Zurich
時間:5月中旬〜9月中旬の陽射し良好な期間 8:00〜00:00
TEL:+41 76 383 05 50
Text and photo: Nem Kienzle
Translation: Kei Shimizu. Here you can enjoy local beer or grab a juicy hamburger after dipping in the water. Even without bathing suits, people gather for a drink after work or a game of chess by the waterfront.
The selective drink menu varies from organic ginger-lime juice (4 CHF), Swiss beer Calanda (4.50 CHF), to Zurcher mineral water (3.50 CHF). The food in Primitivo is all house-made. It provides organic and very international dishes, like hamburger with miso mayonnaise (12.50 CHF), tuna burger with wasabi sauce (15.50 CHF) or platanos with guacamole and humus (7.50 CHF). For snacks and dessert there are muffins, cakes and a variety of ice cream by local ice-cream maker Sorbetto (on cone, 3 CHF). You can even get a self-made muesli with goat milk jogurt.
The area around Primitivo used to be an infamous drug trafficking area and was cleaned up by the city in 1995. Since then it caters to the community at the river beach. The name “Primitivo” dates back to the time when they freshly started serving snacks out of a trailer. Presently “Primitivo” is a colorful yet minimalist building with stainless-steel open kitchen and outdoor seating under parasol. There is a wooden pier along the river where you can dive into the water from or just lie and enjoy the sun. The cafe opens with the start of swimming season and is taken down at the end of the season.
The entrance to the swimming area is free, and there are also beach volleyball courts next to Primitivo.
How to find it:
Tram 13 in direction Frankenthal or Tram 4 in direction Werdholzli
from Bahnhofquai stop Dammweg, then 5 min. by walking
Address: Oberer Letten, Wasserwerkstrasse, 8006 Zurich
Open: From mid May to mid September on sunny days 8:00-00:00
Tel: +41 76 383 05 50
Text and photo: Nem KienzlePrimitivo
地址:Oberer Letten, Wasserwerkstrasse, 8006 Zurich
时间:5月中旬至9月中旬期间的好阳光 8:00-00:00
电话:+41 76 383 05 50