
パーラ・モードPerla Mode

スイス、チューリッヒの赤線街で知られるラングストラッセに新しいアート発信地が誕生した。その名も「パーラ・モード」。The infamous red-light district in Zurich goes along Langstrasse and its side streets. In this seedy part of town you can also find some very good restaurants, shops and a high percentage of designers and artistsホテルに改装される予定の3階建て雑居ビルをそっくりそのままスイス人建築家が買い取り、今月より地元アーティストに破格の家賃で貸し出しすことになった。

フレイモンド・グス&Co.はジャン・クロード・ フレイモンド・グスがスイス人若手アーティストによる作品を専門に紹介しているギャラリーで、ジャン・クロード自身もアーティスト。2002年より「レ・コンプリース」というプロジェクトを立ち上げ、 非営利を目的に地元アーティストの作品を自由な空間で紹介し続けて来た。

スイス一小さい出版社で、世界中からのアーティストを起用したジン・コレクションで知られるニーブスブックスは、一階のギャラリーの他に、二階にオフィスを構える。パーティー当日はフリーランスエディター・林央子による 「here and there 2006 vol.6 UNEXPECTED TRAVELING ISSUE」の発売を記念し、服部一成デザインのポスターや本が展示・発売されていた。ベンジャミンのお母さんとお姉さんが特別に焼いて持ってきてくれたケーキやクッキーは大好評で、ショーケースの上に置いてあったのもつかの間、あっというまにゲストに食べられてしまった。



三階にはマニュエラ・シュレンプとアディ・エラット率いる「Wartesaal」(待合室)という名のギャラリーが入居している。ここでは「Dark Asylum」という題でトーマス・ギャラーによる展示が催されていた。 Wartesaalも非営利を目的に若手アーティストを紹介しているギャラリーだ。


Perla Mode
住所:Langstrasse 84, CH 8004 Zürich
時間:水曜〜金曜 14:00〜18:00/土曜 12:00〜16:00(要予約)
TEL:+41 44 240 0481
. At night, it is famous for its bars and clubs. On the night of September 21st, a new creative outlet opened. It goes by the name of “Perla-Mode”. A Swiss architect has bought the multi-tenant building in order to build a new hotel. Until the construction begins, however, he decided to rent it to local artists. The name “Perla-Mode” comes from the store that previously occupied the ground floor, selling clothing and textile, and was kept for the new art space. Although the location is close to the expensive city center, the rent is set unbelievably cheap so artists can afford it. In this valuable spot, artists with low budget can now rent a space of their own in the city, to represent themselves and their art works to a wider audience, and to hold various types of events.

On the ground floor, there are Freymond-Guth & Co. Fine Arts gallery, zine gallery by Nieves Books and an atelier for Ajana Dracula.

An artist himself, Jean-Claude Freymond-Guth introduces the works of young Swiss artists through his gallery. Since 2002 he has been showcasing local artists through a NPO project called ““>Les Complices” in an environment free from commercial influence. This project has allowed him to make plenty of contacts with artists whose work he now represents exclusively.

Next to it is Nieves Books, the smallest independent publishing house in Switzerland known for its exclusive zine series and art books. Publisher Benjamin Sommerhalder displays his books and posters in the gallery on the ground floor and has his tiny office on the floor above. At the opening party, he introduced his new book “here and there 2006 vol.6: UNEXPECTED TRAVELING ISSUE” in collaboration with freelance editor Nakako Hayashi. The corresponding poster, designed by art director Kazunari Hattori, hung on the wall. Benjamin’s mother and sister had baked cakes and snacks for the event. Those were so popular that they were gone almost immediately after each refill.

In contrast to Nieves’ minimalist gallery, musician Ajana Dracula’s atelier looks like somebody’s living room, filled with wooden furniture and clothing on racks. There are posters randomly pinned to the colorful wall, and two pianos without cover stand next to each other. The atelier will host a classic concert every Thursday, and at the opening party Gabriel dal Vit and Valentino da Bambino played wonderful music in a dreamy atmosphere. The guests lounged on the sofa and listened to the music while little kids danced to the rhythm on the carpeted floor.

On the second floor, there are Message Salon Downtown by Esther Eppstein and a large balcony looking down Langstrasse. The balcony gave everybody the chance to mingle and to have a good look on the people coming and leaving on the street.

Eppstein and her partner started a gallery space “Message Salon” in the 4th district of Zurich 10 years ago. Since Eppstein’s family has lived in this area for generations, she decided to open a downtown branch at Perla-Mode. At the opening party, Bettina Browar’s video about Perla-Mode and Langstrasse was projected on the wall.

A gallery called “Wartesaal (waiting lounge)” by Manuela Schlumpf and Adi Ehrat is on the top floor. The gallery focuses on non-commercial representation of young artists such as Thomas Galler, Alexis Saile, Barbara Davi, Franziska Koch, Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs, and Hendrik Stromberg.

It might be due to the location in the red-light vicinity that such uncontrolled and creative activities can exist in a rather quiet and conservative city. Will Perla Mode be the spring of the next art movement? Let’s see.

Perla Mode
Address: Langstrasse 84, CH 8004 Zürich
Open: Wed-Fri 14:00-18:00 / Sat 12:00-16:00 or by appointment
Tel: +41 44 240 0481

Perla Mode
地址:Langstrasse 84, CH 8004 Zürich
时间:星期三至星期五 14:00-18:00/星期六 12:00-16:00(需要预约)
电话:+41 44 240 0481

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