

白黒コピーをホチキスでとめただけのジン。かわいいけれど、どことなくノスタルジックで大人の雰囲気が漂うイラスト。ドキッとするような素肌に迫る写真集。ニーブスの出版物は日常的にデザインやアートブックに見慣れている目にも新鮮に映る。Nieves’ zines and books are fresh to the eyes that have become used to many design and art books. Zines, made from staple bound black and white photocopies, are somehow nostalgic and remind me of a teenage hobby.





小さい街から発信しているにも関わらず国際的なところがニーブス・ブックスが注目されている理由でもある。地元のイラストレーターで「Grrrr」として知られるインゴ・ギーツェンダンナーや写真家ニコール・バックマンの作品を紹介しつつ、アメリカ、オーストラリア、日本、ドイツなどからのアーティストもこのスイスで一番小さい出版社から紹介されている。又、ニーブスの本はパリのコレット、ニューヨークのPrinted Matter、東京のナディッフなどの世界中の書店やセレクトショップでみかけることができる。

住所:Köchlistrasse 5, 8004 Zurich
TEL:+41 44 240 0480

Text: Nem Kienzle

Nieves Books is indeed a one-man publishing house, founded in 2001 that focuses on producing artist publications and zines. Founder and owner Benjamin Sommerhalder is a 29-year-old Swiss who comes from a graphic design background.

The office is located on the ground floor of a curved corner building on Hohlstrasse. Vintage cars in orange and blue from a neighboring car dealer line up in front of the huge glass window, making the office look like a gas station from the 60’s. An office sign designed by graphic artist and filmmaker Mike Mills marks the office entrance.

It’s even more of a time-trip when you enter his office. There are old wooden furniture, piled-up books, posters on the wall, and more books in the back room. It’s definitely not what you expect a minimalist Swiss designer’s office to look like, but rather a messy atelier with cozy atmosphere.

The office interior reminds me of the photos in “The Home Collection”, a Vitra furniture catalogue designed by a renowned Swiss graphic designer Cornel Windlin. In this catalogue, the fascination and beauty of ordinary life styles are rediscovered. Benjamin has worked on that catalogue as a graphic designer, and some of his artists are featured.

Although from a small city, the international flavor is another characteristic that brings attention to Nieves Books. It introduces local jewels such as illustrator Ingo Giezendanner a.k.a. Grrrr or photographer Nicole Bachmann. Simultaneously artists from countries like U.S.A., Australia, Japan and Germany participate in these smallest Swiss publications.

Nieves’ publications can be found in selected art bookstores and design shops globally: Colette in Paris, Printed Matter in NYC, and NADiff in Tokyo.

Address: Köchlistrasse 5, 8004 Zurich
Tel: +41 44 240 0480

Text: Nem Kienzle

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