
チューリッヒ造形美術館Museum fur Gestaltung Zurich

美術館の外観は、特有の建築様式で形作られ、展示物を演出するために非常に機能的に作られている。近くのランデスミュージアムの一部にあった美術館と学校が、1933年に新しい建物に移動したThe Museum’s outward appearance is shaped largely by its architecture. Its severe functionalism constitutes both a commitment and a challenge to the staging of exhibitions。当初その計画は議論を呼んだが、今日ではその機能性と美学は誰もが認めるものとなり、スイスの現代建築のとても魅力的な例として認識されている。

Museum fur Gestaltung Zurich
住所:Ausstellungsstrasse 60, CH-8005 Zurich
時間:火〜日 10:00〜17:00/水 10:00〜20:00
TEL:+41 43 446 67 67

Translation: Kei Shimizu
. In 1933 the museum and school, previously accommodated in a side wing of the nearby Landesmuseum, moved into a new building. Its planning had caused much controversy. Today its functional and aesthetic quality is undisputed, and it is regarded as one of the most striking examples of modern architecture in Switzerland.

Now a protected monument, the building has retained its strictly functional nature ever since the 1930s. At issue today is the question of how to reconcile respect for the original plan with the demands of contemporary usage made on the building. In 1998 the final stage of a comprehensive renovation of the exterior was concluded.

Museum fur Gestaltung Zurich
Address: Ausstellungsstrasse 60, CH-8005 Zurich
Open: Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00 / Wed 10:00-20:00
Tel: +41 43 446 67 67
地址:Ausstellungsstrasse 60, CH-8005 Zurich
电话:+41 43 446 67 67

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