
フレイモンド・ガス & Co.Freymond-Guth & Co.

Freymond-Guth & Co. has evolved from the creative environment of the Zurich non-profit project space Les Complices in Spring 2006フレイモンド・ガス&CO.は、2006年の春、チューリッヒの非営利事業スペース「レ・コンプリース」から生まれた。その主旨は、芸術に対する責任を、芸術面で担うだけでなく、革新的なギャラリーの在り方を商業的な面でも機能させることである。


Freymond-Guth & Co.
住所:Langstrasse 84, Postfach 2708, CH 8021 Zürich
時間:火曜〜金曜 11:00〜18:00/土曜 11:00〜17:00(時間外要予約)
TEL:+41 44 240 0481

Translation: Kei Shimizu
. The interest is to take responsibility of art not only artistically, but with the formation of an innovative gallery structure, also commercially. Rather than displaying exhibitions in a fixed space in Zurich, an initial concept has been formalised to maintain collaborative practices with other young galleries and spaces mainly abroad.

Freymond-Guth & Co. reduces rigid, local gallery structures to an efficient minimum and creates project-oriented, diverse exhibitions in an international context for another generation of emerging artists. For 2006/2007, various gallery squats, exchange projects and interactions have been initialised, and will be publicly announced soon. The first public appearance of Freymond-Guth & Co. is the presentation of it’s artists and some guests at LISTE, the young art fair, co-inciding with Art Basel 2006.

In addition to the group shows mainly abroad, Freymond-Guth & Co. temporarily takes over non-existing spaces in Zurich for the presentation of its artist in solo shows.
Empty spaces will be rented for the occasion on a short-term basis and provide the artists with project-oriented spacial conditions most suitable for the installation of their works. Freymond-Guth & Co. maintains a permanent office and semi-public storage space in Zurich as an operative and administrative home base. The office and storage space are only open by appointment.

Freymond-Guth & Co.
Address: Langstrasse 84, Postfach 2708, CH 8021 Zürich
Open: Tue-Fri 11:00-18:00 / Sat 11:00-17:00,or by appointment
Tel: +41 44 240 0481
Freymond-Guth & Co.
地址:Langstrasse 84, Postfach 2708, CH 8021 Zürich
电话:+41 44 240 0481

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