
キャバレー・ボルテールCabaret Volatire

©Cabaret Voltaire

©Cabaret Voltaire

By inaugurating the legendary “Cabaret Voltaire” on February 5, 1916, Hugo Ball, Emmy Hennings, Hans Arp, Tristan Tzara and Marcel Janco founded the most important art movement ever to originate in Zurich1916年2月5日、ヒューゴ・ボール、エミー・ヘニングス、ハンス・アープ、トリスタン・ツァーラ、マーセル・ジャンコが、伝説的な「キャバレー・ボルテール」をオープンした。それは、チューリッヒのダダイズムを起源とした、それまでで最も重大なアート・ムーブメントであった。スピーゲルガッセの小屋からスタートしたダダは、世界中に広がり、国際的な文化革命を巻き起こした。



Cabaret Volatire
住所:Spiegelgasse 1, 8001 Zurich
TEL:+43 268 57 20

Translation: Kei Shimizu
: the Zurich Dadaism. From the house at Spiegelgasse 1 Dada started its journey into the world – launching an international cultural revolution.

Nearly 90 years later, the tireless efforts of numerous Dada friends have finally cleared the way for a dada-inspired re-dedication of the house: on September 30, 2004, the home of the Dadaist world will once again open its doors under the name of cabaret voltaire, welcoming scientists, school children, art lovers, exhausted shoppers, business people, tourists, socialites and localites alike.

The power of its localisation makes cabaret voltaire an emotionally intense, tourist memorial to the historical Dadaism. At the same time and foremost though, cabaret voltaire is a live cultural centre, where bridges between Dada and the social and cultural movements of today are built.

Cabaret voltaire’s interdisciplinary approach, its understanding of culture that interacts with everyday city life; art and science immersed in each other, historical reference and actual interventions side by side, and because of the fact that the Dada advancements can originate and be exhibited at the birthplace of the movement, make it stick out among the existing cultural institutions in Zurich.

Cabaret Volatire
Address: Spiegelgasse 1, 8001 Zurich
Open: 11:30-19:00
Tel: +43 268 57 20
地址:Spiegelgasse 1, 8001 Zurich
电话:+43 268 57 20

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