
ブリリア ショートショート シアターBrillia Short Shorts Theater

© Brillia Short Shorts Theater

© Brillia Short Shorts Theater

A hideaway-like cinema tucked away in Minatomirai,Yokohama, Brillia ShortShorts Theatre opened in 2008 as Japan’s first dedicated short film theatreみなとみらいにある隠れ家的存在の映画館、「ブリリア ショートショート シアター」は、2008年にオープンした日本初のショートフィルム専用シアター。米国アカデミー賞公認短編映画祭「ショートショートフィルムフェスティバル」と連動して世界中のクオリティの高いショートフィルムを上映している。


ブリリア ショートショート シアターでは「ショートショートフィルムフェスティバル&アジア」で上映された作品を中心に、アメリカやヨーロッパ、インド、ベネゼエラなど世界中の米国アカデミー賞短編部門ノミネートおよび受賞作品を1プログラム約60分、1000円にて提供している。1プログラムは4~5本のショートフィルムで構成され、ジャンルはアニメーション、ドラマ、ドキュメンタリー、コメディーなど様々だ。プログラムは2週間ごとに変わり、1ヶ月で3プログラムを上映している。


横浜にはいくつかの大きな映画館があるが、ブリリア ショートショート シアターは他の映画館とはひと味違った新たなデートスポットだ。 

ブリリア ショートショート シアター
住所:横浜市西区みなとみらい5-3-1 フィルミー2F

Text: Saori Hashiguchi
. Its American Academy Awards-accredited ShortShorts Film Festival screens high quality short films from around the globe.

At their longest short films might be thirty minutes long; at their shortest a mere one minute. In both America, a cinematically advanced nation, and Europe with its long history of short films, they are as well-known and well-loved as full-length feature films, yet are also established as a quite separate, original genre of cinematic expression. Making the very most of their brief duration, short films very often have a quite different, and strongly expressed, kind of message when compared to feature films. This quality is something that the latter cannot compete with. Further, with famous directors such as George Lucas, Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick all having started out making shorts, they act as something of a gateway to feature films.

Brillia Short Shorts Theatre’s ‘ShortShorts Film Festival & Asia’ focuses upon works from all over the globe, from America and Europe to India and Venezuela, that have either won or been nominated for the short film category of the American Academy Awards. Each programme, lasting around an hour, consists of four or five shorts from an array of genres including animation, drama, documentary and comedy, with tickets costing 1000 yen. Programmes change every two weeks, with three programmes screened in a month.

In the Theatre Cafe adjoining the Theatre Lounge one can enjoy an authentic cafe menu. Organic curries, made with carefully selected gokokumai rice, and pasta dishes are popular with the ladies, while all sorts of beverages including coffees and herb teas are also on offer. Since the selection of alcoholic drinks is also abundant, one can appreciate a film while sipping a beer, cocktail, wine or glass of champagne. In the adjacent gallery space, meanwhile, art exhibitions and installations provide a platform for young artists to present their work.

Yokohama may have many large cinemas, but the Brillia Short Shorts Theatre is a somewhat different kind of date spot.

Brillia Short Shorts Theater
Address: 2F Filmee, 5-3-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama
Opening Hours: 10:00-21:00 (Saturday and Sunday till 22:00)
Closed on Tuesday
Tel: 045-633-2151

Text: Saori Hashiguchi
Translation: Darren Gore
Brillia Short Shorts Theater
地址:横滨市西区港未来5-3-1 Filmee 2F


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