
山下公園Yamashita Park

© Yokohama City

© Yokohama City

The most famous park in Yokohama city, Yamashita Park, is the base of Yokohama sightseeing according to nearby tourist areas such as China Town, the Motomachi district, and the Yamate district横浜で最も有名な公園「山下公園」。中華街、元町、山手など横浜の観光スポットにも近く、まさに横浜観光の拠点となる公園だ。関東大震災の復興事業として市内の瓦礫などを埋め立てて造成された山下公園は、大桟橋の入口から山下埠頭までのおよそ700メートルの長さで海岸に面しており、面積は約7万平方メートルを有する。




Text: Saori Hashiguchi
, which are the result of the cities reconstruction following the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake. Yamashita Park is situated along the coast from Osanbashi Pier to Yamashita Wharf and is approximately 700 meters long and 70000 square meters in area.

There is a patch of grass on the west side of the park where a lot of people relax on sheets under the shade of the trees while the east side, surrounded by the Motomachi district Marine Tower, tends to have a more lively mood. Also, there are lots of monuments, some with poems inscribed on them like “Guardian of water” gift by San Diego city, “Statue of a girl in red shoes,” which is a famous children’s song, “A monument inscribed with sea gulls on the horizon” and more. There is an Indian water tower that was donated by the Indian commerce association to thank citizens in Yokohama city for helping aid Indians who were hit by the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake. The Indian water tower has been assigned as an authorized historical building of Yokohama city and is located on the west side of the park.

The park is bustling with many people not only on the weekends but also throughout the weekdays. There are various restaurants around the park and close to China Town; however, we recommend that you feel the elegance of Yokohama bringing a sheet with you to enjoy lunch on the grass.

Yamashita Park
Address: 279 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama

Text: Saori Hashiguchi
Translation: Akihiko Hamada


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