
海の公園Umi no Kouen

© Yokohama City

© Yokohama City

In Yokohama, Umi no Koen is the only park with a bathing beach and was built as a part of the governmental project for land filling the Kanazawa area – the beach is artificially constructed with sand from Chiba横浜市内で唯一海水浴場のある公園「海の公園」。金沢地先埋立事業の一環として整備された海の公園は、実は千葉県から運んだ砂でつくられた人工砂浜で、潮干狩りのできる公園としても有名だ。天然芝のグラウンドを含む「なぎさ広場」、海、砂、緑の木々に囲まれた自然豊かな環境が整うバーベキュー場、ウインドサーフィン艇庫など各種施設を備えている。




Text: Saori Hashiguchi
. Famous for clamming, it has various facilities, such as Nagisa Hiroba, which includes a ground covered with natural grass, a boathouse, and a barbecue space surrounded by the ocean, sand and trees. Also, there is an administration building with a locker room, a multipurpose space, and an artificial brook, which is fun to play in! There you can enjoy playing soccer, street ball, water sports, BBQ and other activities; and because of the shoaling beach, surfboarding is also fun and enjoyable even for beginners.

The space can also be reserved as a soccer ground for group use. There are 40 barbecue sites available at 1,500 yen during the weekdays and 2,000 yen during weekends and holidays; and in addition to reserving a table, you may also order food for your convenience.

Clamming is free so anyone who so desires can dig out clams such as the Japanese littleneck, Shiofuki, Kagamigai and razor clams, which are all naturally bred. The best time for clamming is considered to be 2 hours before and after the low tide. It’s probably better to check the timetable of the low tide on the website of Umi no Koen before setting out.

Umi no Kouen (Park of Sea)
Address: 10 Umi no Kouen, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama
Tel: 045-701-3450

Text: Saori Hashiguchi
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki


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