横浜赤レンガ倉庫1号館Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse

© Yokohama Akarenga
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse is a historic structure affectionately referred to by many as ‘Hama’s Red Brick’. Constructed over the late Meiji-early Taisho period as an exemplary warehouse for the nation「ハマの赤レンガ」と呼ばれ多くの市民に親しまれてきた歴史的建造物、横浜赤レンガ倉庫。明治末期から大正初期に国の模範倉庫として建設された赤レンガ倉庫は、創建当時から横浜港の物流拠点として活躍してきたが、時代の経過とともに倉庫としての役目を終え、地区のシンボルとして長年佇んでいた。その後、貴重な歴史的資産として国から横浜市の手に渡り、「港の賑わいと文化を創造する空間」をコンセプトとして2002年4月にオープン。今日では市民が憩い、賑わう空間となっている。
Text: Saori Hashiguchi, it served as the distribution base for Yokohama Port before becoming in more recent years a longstanding local landmark. As a precious historical property its ownership has subsequently been transferred from the nation to Yokohama City. Opened in April 2002 as a space dedicated to recreation and cultural creation, these days it bustles with locals at leisure.
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No. 1 was established primarily for cultural usage. Regardless of whether you are an artist or not, it offers a space in which you can both encounter and create a distinctly Yokohama-style culture. Utilised for community-level activities including cultural exchange, creation and presentation, as well as other Yokohama-flavoured projects such as theatre, jazz and fashion, it dispatches cultural content from the city to the rest of Japan and the world beyond. It also plays host to a great many other events including international art exhibitions, film festivals and contests.
The hall and spaces of Warehouse No. 1 are available for hire, with the spaces on level two used for all sorts of exhibitions as well as meetings and parties. The third floor hall meanwhile, with brick walls and ceiling bringing forth quite a unique atmosphere, provides a creative space for a wide array of events including not only theatre, dance, music and film but also club events and conventions.
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse
Address: 1-1-1 Shinko, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Tel: 045-211-1515
Text: Saori Hashiguchi
Translation: Darren Gore横滨红砖仓库一号馆