
バンカート カフェ&パブBankART Café and Pub

© BankART

BankART Café and Pub is located on the first floor of BankART Studio NYK, a somewhat barren-looking former warehouse of shipping company Nippon Yusen Kaisha旧日本郵船倉庫という少し殺風景な建物を改装した「BankART Studio NYK」(バンカート・スタジオNYK)の1階に「BankART Café and Pub」(バンカート カフェ&パブ)はある。外観は倉庫だが、一歩なかに入ると高い天井と打放しコンクリートというモダンなギャラリーを彷彿させる空間が広がる。その箱のような建物の中には、カフェ&パブのほかに、多岐にわたる芸術関連の本を扱うショップと3階まで続くいくつもの展示スペースが収まっている。日中は海を面するガラスドアからの光でも十分な明るさだが、夜は天井のスポットライトが灯すやさしい明りが大きな室内を暖かい雰囲気に包む。



気軽にビールを一杯飲む気で入っても、面白そうなイベント、気になるアート本、魅力的な若手アーティストと遭遇するかもしれない。「現代の寺子屋を目指す」バンカート・スクールの受講生、展示会に訪れた一般客、近くに住む常連客など年齢や性別関係なく人はここに集う。「ゆるやかな繋がり」の可能性を提供することがバンカート カフェ&パブ一番の役割かもしれない。

BankART Café and Pub

Text and photo: Makiko Arima
. While the exterior of BankART remains a warehouse, the interior resembles a modern gallery space with high ceilings and exposed concrete walls. In addition to the Café and Pub, this box of a building, houses a bookshop with an impressive range of art magazines and DVDs along with three floors of exhibition space. With large glass doors facing the ocean, BankART Café and Pub is full of natural light during the day, while the dim spotlights arranged around the cavernous warehouse transform this spacious eatery at night.

Considering the artsy ambience, one would expect the Café and Pub’s clientele to be mostly hip art lovers. But its regulars are diverse, including civil servants from the nearby Kanagawa prefectural office who come by during lunch hours. This diversity speaks to the welcoming atmosphere of BankART—a space that seems to offer the possibility of the unplanned and unforeseen. This spirit is prevalent among the facility’s staff as well. Tamaki Hosobuchi, who has a hand in everything from planning to managing BankART1929, expressed her wish that the Café and Pub would help people “make loose connections.”

Just as the entire building is multifunctional, BankART Café and Pub’s menu is also a medley of various cuisines. Local Thai restaurant, “Pi,” delivers 15 limited green curry dishes a day (but not on Wednesdays). This unlikely partnership of Thai food and art emerged out of BankART’s “Food and Contemporary Art” event. Local Yokohama beer “Peruri“, with its iconic Commodore Matthew Perry portrait label, and pâté from “PATE-YA” in Tokyo’s Denenchofu district, are also on the eclectic menu.

Stopping in for a beer could lead to an interesting event, a good find in the bookshop, or a chance encounter with a gifted young artist. Students who attend the in-house BankART school, visitors viewing exhibits, and regulars from the neighborhood all converge here.
Perhaps BankART Café and Pub’s most alluring aspect is the possibility of creating “loose connections”.

BankART Café and Pub
Address: 3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama
Open: 11:30-17:30, 17:30-23:00
Tel: 045-663-2812

Text and photo: Makiko Arima

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