

© Saikoutei

© Saikoutei

The restaurant Gion Saikoutei was established in 1877 by Koubei Saito, beside the Yasaka shrine. After the closure of the restaurant in 1996, it was moved and reconstructed in 2004明治10年(1877年)頃に斎藤幸兵衛が創業し、八坂神社の隣にあった料亭・祇園菜香亭が、平成8年(1996年)に料亭としての歴史に幕を閉じた後、移築・復元して平成16年(2004年)10月に開館した施設で、井上馨や佐藤栄作など著名人の扁額28枚とゆかりの所蔵品が展示されている。



開館時間: 9:00〜17:00(部屋の貸室利用は午後10時まで)
休館日: 火曜日(火曜が祝日の場合は祝祭日でない次の平日)、年末年始
観覧料: 大広間・展示室の所蔵品等の観覧のみ有料 
    大人(高校生以上) 100円、小・中学生 50円
TEL: 083-934-3312

Text: Wakana Kawahito
Now the facility displays 28 Japanese “hengaku” pictures and a collection of objects related to historical statesmen Kaoru Inoue and Eisaku Sato.

The name ‘Saikoutei’ came from Kaoru Inoue, who always favoured the restaurant, after the “sai” from Saito and “kou” from Koubei. As an important site for Japanese history during the Meiji and Showa period, Saikoutei is an architectural building that inherits the history to the next generation and it is valued as a building that portrays the modern Japan.

It is now being used as a tourist spot of Yamaguchi and a socializing space. There are various services offered including renting of the rooms, catering service, kimono dressing service, renting of the bicycles and tea ceremonies on the weekend.

Address: 1-2-7 Tenge, Yamaguchi
Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00 (Closed on Tuesday)
Addmission: Adult 100, Children 50 yen
Tel: 083-934-3312

Text: Wakana Kawahito
Translation: Akio Usui

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