The Ouchi family is one of the most important clans in the history of Yamaguchi. Rurikoji was built in 1442 by Morimi Ouchi as a bodhi temple, when his brother Yoshihiro Ouchi was killed in the Onin War山口の歴史上、最も重要な一族の一つである大内氏。瑠璃光寺五重塔は、応永の乱で戦死した大内義弘の菩提を弔うため、弟の盛見が嘉吉2年(1442年)に建てた。大内文化の最高傑作と称され国宝に指定されており、また法隆寺、醍醐寺と並ぶ、日本三名塔の一つに数えられている。高さは31.2mで、檜皮葺屋根造りが特徴。また、夜にライトアップされて、池の水面に映し出された五重塔も美しいと評判だ。
TEL: 083-924-9139
Text and photo: Wakana Kawahito. As a masterpiece of the Ouchi Culture, it is designated as a national treasure and is one of the big three temples of Japan, along with Horyuji and Daigoji temples. The height of the temple is 31.2m and the cypress bark roofing structure is the main characteristic. The illuminated five storied pagoda is reflected on the surface of a pond and creates renowned beautiful scenery.
Address: 7-1 Kayama-cho, Yamagaguchi
Tel: 083-924-9139
Text and photo: Wakana Kawahito
Translation: Akio Usui