

© Georg Soulek/Burgtheater

© Georg Soulek/Burgtheater

It´s a dream of almost every german-speaking actors to be part of Burgtheater´s ensemble. An argument that speaks for itself while being underlined by the following facts to knowドイツ語圏出身の俳優なら、誰もが舞台に立つことを夢見るブルグ劇場。ヨーロッパの演劇にとって大切な劇場の1つだ。ドイツ語圏の劇場としては最大の規模を誇り、また、もっとも古い劇場でもある。劇場のあるドクトル・カール・ルエーガー・リンク通りは、ウィーン市内の中心に位置し、ヨーロッパの歴史の面影を残す建築物が多く並ぶ。





住所:Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 2, 
1010 Wien
TEL:+43 1 51444/4140

Text: Carmen Rüter
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki

Burgtheater at Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring is one of the most important places for straight theater in Europe. It´s the biggest german-speaking and one of the oldest European theaters. At the “Ring”, a boulevard lining the biggest part of Vienna´s inner city, one can find almost all majestic architectural evidences that had an impact in Europe`s past. More than 410,000 visitors come along to see about 800 performances in each repertory season at Burgtheater or its dependancies at Akademietheater, Kasino at Schwarzenbergplatz and Vestibül.

Located at Michaelerplatz, the original “old” Burgtheater, arose out of the patronage of Empress Maria Theresia as theatre “next to the Burg”. 1874 construction works of the new house at the “Ring”, which was designed by Gottfried Semper and Karl von Hasenauer started. After this building was finished in 1888, the actors as well as the audience heavily complained about the bad acoustics. As a consequence the auditorium´s acoustic irradiation got improved and was finally done by 1897. The Burgtheater was largely destroyed in 1945 caused by fire and bombardment during the second world war. The reconstruction was finished in 1955, when “die Burg”, as the Burgtheater is often called by the Viennese people, was inaugurated.

Representing Vienna´s contradictionary spirit, Burgtheater nowadays is a fabulous historic monument, offering plays by the most innovative writers and directors (such as Karin Beier, Luc Bondy, Jan Bosse, Andrea Breth, Barbara Frey, Dieter Giesing, Nicolas Stemann, René Pollesch). It´s popular ensemble which is made up by over 100 renowned actors is a magnet for an international audience.

Guided tours in various languages promise special insights in architectural, artistic, organisational and historical aspects: From the festive stairs with the famous ceiling fresco of the brothers Klimt and Franz Matsch (photo) up to the New Portrait Gallery showing portraits of contemporary Austrian artists, there´s a lot of historic air to breath!

Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 2, 
1010 Wien
Tel: +43 1 51444/4140

Text: Carmen Rüter


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