
ストランドダッド・クロステルヌバーグStrandbad Klosterneuburg

ドナウ川に浮かぶドナウ島は、ウィーン市内では最大規模のレクレーション広場で、夏の間はもっとも人で賑わう場所だ。しかし、そんなドナウ川の喧噪を離れると、意外にも穴場的なスポットがいくつかある。Vienna’s large recreational area on river Danube, no doubt are the most frequented places during the hot summer months.




Strandbad Klosterneuburg
住所:Georg Cochplatz 3/8, A-1010 Wien
TEL:+43 1 512 71 42

Text: Christina Merl
Photos: Klaus Olbrich
Translation: Sachiko Kurashina

However, a lucky few leave the city for their riverside huts on the shores of some sidearms of river Danube. Strandbad Klosterneuburg is one such place where people from Vienna relax and have fun in the weekends. Among them 30 year-old Roman, who always has the feeling he’s in a different world when he wakes up in his modern-style riverside hut in Strandbad Klosterneuburg.

The other day I met two of the architectural team that designed and realised the low-budget “beach house” for their friend. Enter Thomas and Klaus, who have every reason to be proud of their work: what they wanted was to realise some outstanding design in the midst of rather conventional riverside huts. And if you take a closer look at the pictures you surely will agree that they’ve succeeded.

Due to building regulations in this frequently flooded area the unconventional object was built on 1.7 metre-high columns above the ground. The volume develops on a maximum footprint of 35 square metres. It contains an open living space, a cooking area, and a bathroom block above which there’s the sleeping area with a skylight that gives you the impression of flying in the sky.

The sloping glass facade can be opened by a sliding door which expands the living area to the terrace. From there a ramp – partly designed as a stair – leads through the site directly into the water. The whole configuration creates a three-dimensional movement from the site’s back entrance to the river.

Strandbad Klosterneuburg
Address:Georg Cochplatz 3/8, A-1010 Wien
Tel: +43 1 512 71 42

Text: Christina Merl
Photos: Klaus Olbrich
地址:Georg Cochplatz 3/8, A-1010 Wien
电话:+43 1 512 71 42

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