
新ウィーン市立図書館New City Library

アーネスト・メイヤーは、オーストリア人建築家。そのメイヤーが今回デザインした現代建築は、多くの審査員の目を釘付けにした。そのデザインは、ウィーンに住む私達にとっても、大変喜ばしく素晴らしいものだ。Architect Ernst Mayr’s project of contemporary architecture convinced the jurors – which is really great for our city.


ギュルテル通りのアーバン・ロリッツ・プラッツにオープンしたこの新しい図書館。ここは、ウィーン市内でも交通の往来が激しく、街の中心部を走る環状線だ。6車線あるギュルテル通りには、毎日約10万台の車が行き来する。 1998年に作られ、かつては一番華やかな通りだったが、今では交通渋滞が悩みの種。 90年代初頭からギュルテル通り沿いの都市計画が始まり、市政の場でも取り上げられるようになった。ここを「最も問題が多い地域」と名付けたのは、ウィーン市の都市計画を担当した議員、ハンス・スウォボーバだ。



New City Library
住所:Hauptbuecherei Wien – Am Guertel, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, 1070 Wien
TEL:+43 1 4000 84920

Text: Christina Merl
Photos: Main City Library
Translation: Sachiko Kurashina

On 9 April, Vienna’s New City Library finally opened its doors to the public. The “multi-structured multimedia open-shelf library” is one of the most modern public libraries in Europe and covers 6,085 square metres of usable floor space; 300,000 different media; study space and comfortable seating corners for 150 people; as well as 130 PCs for public use (EDP-work stations, OPACs, Internet, data banks, etc.).

The new library is located at Urban-Loritz-Platz at “Guertel”, Vienna’s heavy traffic artery that circulates the inner districts of the city. About 100,000 cars cross the six Guertel lanes every day, turning the formerly magnificent avenue, which opened in 1898, into a zone of traffic congestion. From the early 90s, the Guertel zone has received much attention in terms of city planning and discourse about city politics. Vienna’s planning councillor Hannes Swoboda called the Guertel a major problematic zone.

Over the past ten years, the what is called “Guertel-Plus” project, supported by the city of Vienna and funded by the EU, has made Guertel the centre of public attention. Among other things, a cycle path was built in order to revive the Guertel area and improve the infrastructure. Modern bars and restaurants have started to prosper along Guertel and turned it into an attractive location especially for young people.

One major project of the Guertel-Plus project was the construction of the new public library at Urban-Loritz-Platz. The Austrian architect Ernst Mayr won the architectural competition. His model of a “staircase library”, as jurors called it, was “convincing as a generously dimensioned flight of steps that could form a casual urban meeting point, giving the building its special and unmistakable characteristics.” The very stairs lead from the subway to Urban-Loritz-Platz and onto the roof, where a library cafe in the form of a rotunda is located. From there one has a view across the roofs of Vienna. Inside, there are large, quiet library halls whose contemplative character is underlined by a very refined light coming down from the ceiling.

New City Library
Address: Hauptbuecherei Wien – Am Guertel, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 1 4000 84920

Text: Christina Merl
Photos: Main City Library
地址:Hauptbuecherei Wien – Am Guertel, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, 1070 Wien
电话:+43 1 4000 84920


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