
カフェ・セントラルCafe Central



たとえ旅行者がこのオーストリアの首都に対して旧都市の古くさい、帝国首都的なイメージを持っていようと、いまやその余韻はほとんどない。フロイト、ワルツ、オペラボール、およびその他の優れた芸術、There is not the slightest hint that might add to the city’s (former) image of being a stodgy imperial capital, having the blues. Even if that’s what travellers might have used to think about the Austrian capital.これらのもののすべてが今も本質的にウィーンのものであり、それらを経験しないで旅行するのは、ロンドンに行ってビッグ・ベンを見ないようなものだ。



例えば10年前。8番と9番地区のガルテル地区は、悪夢のような交通体系の売春街だった。今日では、都市計画とEUの資金プロジェクトのおかげで、多くのヒップなバーとクラブがこの地域の高架鉄道下のアーチに揃った。 おしゃれなブッダクラブ、粋なバブー、クラブbow4、町で最もおいしいジンが飲めるチャーミングなバーのハルプシュタット、そして、若者向けで、私には少々“おしゃれ過ぎる”「Q」、エレクトリックなリズB72(これらは2つの有名なコンサート場である)。その他にも、オフィス、アート、ファンの素敵なコンビネーションであるメツァニンのようなたくさんのクールなスポットがある。エレクトロニカ、ハウス、ワールドミュージックはフレックスウィールWUKのようなクラブで聞くことが出来る。


Cafe Central
住所:Herrengasse 17, 1010 Innere Stadt, Wien
TEL:+43 1 5359905

Text: Christina Merl
Translation: Yuhei Kikuchi
Certainly, Freud, waltz, the opera ball, and high art – all of these things are quintessentially Viennese, and a trip to the city without experiencing them would be like going to London and not seeing Big Ben.

However, in recent years Vienna has been working hard to ‘catch up’, shake off its classic, and purely classy, image, and present itself as an attractive hotspot for a young and hipper generation. And I have a feeling the city has succeeded in combining its old imperial tradition, marvellous architecture and romantic views with vibes of modern lifestyle, a contemporary art scene and trendy bars and clubs. So, whereas lovers of classical music and high art still have great opportunities to listen to Mozart, Beethoven or see famous pieces of art by Klimt, Schiele, Durer and others, the club and modern art scene in Vienna has experienced an enormous hype over the past few years.

For example, a decade ago, the Gurtel area in the 8th and 9th district was a red-light district with a nightmarish traffic system. Nowadays, thanks to the initiative of our city planners and an EU-funded project, a number of hip bars and clubs have sprung in the arches beneath the elevated railway in this area. There is the fashionable Buddha Club, stylish Babu, the clubbing location bow4, the charming Halbestadt cocktailbar where you probably get the best gin drinks in town, the young — and for my taste a little too ‘fashionable’ – ‘Q‘, the electric Rhiz and the B72, two well-known concert locations, and a lot more cool locations such as the Mezzanin, a sophisticated combination of office, art and fun. Electronic, house and world music are offered by clubs like Flex, Wirr, and WUK.

Downtown, there is Museumsquarter, the former imperial stables that have been renovated and turned into a complex of modern art, cafes and trendy shops. Right next to it you’ll find…

Cafe Central
Address: Herrengasse 17, 1010 Innere Stadt, Wien
Open: 8:00-22:00
Tel: +43 1 5359905

Text: Christina Merl
地址:Herrengasse 17, 1010 Innere Stadt, Wien
电话:+43 1 5359905


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