コンテンポラリー・アートはお好きですか? イエス!でも購入する余裕はない?では、レンタルはどうでしょう? 家やオフィスに美しいモダンアート作品があったらいいと思いませんか?Do you love contemporary art? Yes, but unfortunately you can’t afford it? Well, have you ever thought of renting some nice pieces of modern art to add aesthetic value to your office or private home? If so, contact the Vienna-based Artware Company.
アートウェアのアートコレクションは、ニューヨークのグッゲンハイム美術館や、ロンドンのテートギャラリー、ドイツのフリデリツィアヌム美術館、ストックホルムのスウェーデン現代美術館、ウィーンの アルベルティーナ美術館などで展示を行うような国際的に著名なアーチストが多く揃っている。
Artware Kunstvermietung und Kunsthandels GmbH
住所:Rechte Bahngasse 30-32, A-1030 Wine
TEL:+43 1 714 38 62
Text: Christina Merl
Images: courtesy of Artware Kunstvermietung und Kunsthandels GmbH
Translation: Naoko Fukushi They offer you some 4,000 works of art by 68 internationally renowned artists and architects.
Art is an important tool of communication and marketing, the Artware team is convinced. Therefore they started to offer a broad range of contemporary art for business people and private persons who want to surround themselves with art at a reasonable price. “The idea is to make use of contemporary art to boost the image of a business enterprise”, says Artware CEO Raimund Deininger. “As not only personal taste but also strategic, entrepreneurial factors play an important role here, we are happy to advise our clients on which artists to choose for their entrance halls, meeting rooms and offices.”
Artware’s art collection comprises some of the most internationally renowned artists whose works have been displayed in the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the London Tate Gallery, the Fridericianum Museum in Kassel, Germany, the Moderna Museet in Stockholm or the Albertina in Vienna. It has been built and continuously extended by Raimund Deininger and Ulrike Dietz over the past seven years. “The focus has always been on high quality”, says
Deininger. The financial advantage of art rental is that it is
“We love to advise our clients who think of buying a piece of art or extend their collection”, says Deininger. “And of course we are happy to contact artists and arrange meetings with clients who intend to have some work done by a professional artist or architect.”
Artware Kunstvermietung und Kunsthandels GmbH
Address: Rechte Bahngasse 30-32, A-1030 Wine
Tel: +43 1 714 38 62
Text: Christina Merl
Images: courtesy of Artware Kunstvermietung und Kunsthandels GmbH工艺品艺术出租Handels有限公司
地址:Rechte Bahngasse 30-32, A-1030 Wine
电话:+43 1 714 38 62