
シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ シアター東京Cirque du Soleil Theater Tokyo

© 2010 Cirque du Soleil Inc.

© 2010 Cirque du Soleil Inc.

Cirque Du Soleil has two types of show: a big top circus which is called as a “tour show” touring around worldwide with the original circus tent, and the another is called as “resident show”, which is a performance only held at the resident theatre被世界所赞赏的太阳的马戏,太阳剧团®的常设剧场「太阳剧团东京剧场」在东京迪斯尼乐园®开业。这是世界瞩目的太阳剧团为日本独创作品《ZED™》的上演而建设的雄伟壮观的常设剧场。剧场与故事融为一体シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユには、ビッグトップと呼ばれるオリジナルのサーカステントで世界中を移動して上演される“ツアーショー”と、そのショーのためだけに設計・建設された専用の常設劇場でのみ公演を行う“レジデントショー”がある。このシルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ シアター東京は、最新演目「ZED™」(ゼッド)のために2008年に東京ディズニーリゾート®内に設立された日本で唯一の専用常設劇場だ。



シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ シアター東京は、素晴らしいデートスポットであるディズニーランド施設内に、新たなスポットとして定着していくだろう。近くにあるディズニーアンバサダー®ホテルに泊まって帰るのもたまの休日の贅沢な過ごし方の一つではないだろうか。

シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ シアター東京
料金:レギュラー料金 7,500円〜15,000円

Text: Memi Mizukami
and was designed and built exclusively for the show. Cirque Du Soleil Theatre Tokyo was built in the site of Tokyo Disney Resort® in 2008, as a resident theater designed exclusively for “ZED™“, a Cirque Du Soleil’s original show in Japan.

As the theater was designed only for “ZED™”, it has a lot of mechanism complicatedly and uniquely designed inside. The stage keep changing its look flexibly during the show, as if the theater is one of the member of the artists to attract audience. You will be impressed by the performance of artists as well as the theater’s various function. You can enjoy the theater in many ways as stage set is changed by staffs working at the backstage.

The stage is designed in a unique circular form where allows audience to enjoy the act from various angles for 2170 seating. If you sit at the back of the seating area, you can see the act all over. And other point of attention is the close distant between the stage and audience where you can feel breathes of artists.

The theater made exclusively for ZED™ and specially designed to only show ZED™ will definitely impress your idea of theater as an unprecedented place. At the Cirque Du Soleil Theatre Tokyo, you can buy drinks and food at the Food & Drink Bar to enjoy it during watching the show.

Cirque Du Soleil Theatre Tokyo will become established as a beautiful new spot to enjoy Tokyo Disney resort. You can choose to stay at Disney Ambassador Hotel near the theater for your great luxury holiday.

Cirque du Soleil Theater Tokyo
Address: 2−50 Maihama, Urayasu, Chiba
Ticket: 7,500 – 15,000 yen (Peak Ticket Price +1,000 yen)
Tel: 0570-02-8777

Text: Memi Mizukami

这是名副其实的“太阳马戏(Cirque du Soleil)”的外观。

全票:成人票价 7,500 – 15,000日元

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