
ソニー・エクスプローラサイエンスSony ExploraScience

© Sony ExploraScience

© Sony ExploraScience

Promising an immersive, experimental experience with ‘light’, ‘sound’ and ‘entertainment’, the Sony ExploraScience museum is an interactive museum filled with multimedia exhibits to capture the imagination of the young「光」「音」「エンタテインメント」を科学するソニーの科学館「ソニー・エクスプローラサイエンス」は、創造力を刺激する最新マルチメディア技術満載の体験型サイエンスミュージアム。ミュージアムは「インフォメーション&エンタテインメント」「サウンド」「ライト(イメージング)」「シアター&ワークショップ」の4つのゾーンに分けられ、それぞれに音や光、映像を用いた最新テクノロジーが体験できるユニークな展示を行っている。






住所:東京都港区台場1丁目7-1 メディアージュ5F

Text: Bonnie Oeni
Translation: Asami Miyamura
, as well as of the young-at-heart. The museum is split into four zones, ‘Information and Entertainment’, ‘Sound’, ‘Light (Imaging)’ and ‘Theater & Workshop’, each of which contain their own unique activities and displays to highlight the modern technology available to create the clearest sound and images.

The Sound Zone is an area where you can rediscover the fun in sound through different experiences. The photo above is showing OnBa, a system of 20 equally installed speakers. You can experience a sound space by breaking up sound components and putting them back together.

The Light (Imaging) Zone is a zone where introduces the newest image recognition technology as well as showcases interesing image-related phenomena such as persistence of vision. One of their popular experiences is “Aha! Experience”, which could be described as to experience the process of recognizing image change. More activities includes Holowall Table which you can try shadow puppets in CG, Biological Mothin which you can guess human movement through the movement of dots, Data Tiles which you can sense the flow of time.

For those up for an exciting visual experience, check out the High Vision Theater in the Theater & Workshop Zone, where original science documentaries and high-quality footage are shown in spectacular 3D. To suit a wide variety of audiences, films range from the showcase of exotic, endangered animals to high-speed football games on the beach, all of which are rendered in the sharpest detail. With the 3D effect, the images are dynamic enough to look as though they are jumping out at you, completely immersing you in the world or activity that is being documented.

Cinema enthusiasts should also visit Studio SES, an original exhibition space showcasing the latest developments in digital media and film. This space allows visitors to learn more about face-tracking, CG processes and computer animation every 3 months, satiating the cinema-goer’s curiosity in interactive ways. With friendly and helpful Sony staff on hand, any questions will also be happily explained to your satisfaction.

Sony ExploraScience is a science museum where everyone from kids to adults can enjoy to learn the link between the newest technology and basic science principles.

Sony ExploraScience
Address: Mediage 5F, 1-7-1 Daiba, Minato-Ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00 (The last entrance18:30)
Tel: 03-5531-2186

Text: Bonnie Oeni
地址:東京都港区台場1丁目7-1 メディアージュ5F

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