
Photo: mina
中野ブロードウェイを抜けた先にある、昔ながらの商店街、薬師あいロード。その一角にスペインのバルセロナに本店を構える飴専門店「パパブブレ」の2号店がある。いくつもの偶然が重なって、私たちの口の中で、香り高くジューシーなPapabubble is a candy store. Head-quoter is located in Barcelona, Spain. Their second store is located in Tokyo. You can find it in Yakushi Ai Road by going through Nakano-Broadwayパパブブレの甘い飴が溶けていくことを知るとき、なぜだろう。幸福な気持ちに包まれる。
おすすめは、断面にケーキやお花、ギフトボックス、“HAPPY BIRTHDAY”のメッセージが入った「バースデーミックス」と、アニスやラベンダー、ローズ、ユーカリなどのハーブ系ミックスと“THANK YOU”のロゴが入った「モーリス」。ハーブのアクセントが強すぎずに、上品な味わい。
営業時間:10:30〜21:00 / 日・祝日19:00まで(月曜定休)
Text: mina. It is worth visiting because their candies draw customer into illusion of happiness with their juicy and sophisticated fragrance in a mouth.
Sugano, a store manager of Papabubble, Tokyo, practiced his cooking skill in the restaurant in Spain. He also went to language school while he was in there. One day, he came across to a guy name Tommy who would become an owner of Papabubble. When Tommy opened Papabubble, Sugano visited opening of the store. Sugano was shocked and hypnotized by candy making. Then, he shift his career to a candy maker from a Spanish chef. He wanted to see people eating candy with faces full of smiles.
Papabubble Tokyo used Northern European candy manufacturing tradition the same as head-quoter. The interior design is also done by Mr. Bones who also deigned head-quoter interior. Candy makers demonstrate every day in front of customers. Customers are glued with curiosity by it and enjoy tasting candy samples. It takes two to three candy makers to carry starch syrup and pour into steel pan. The temperature of starch syrup is about 160°C. Candy makers adjust hardness based on humidity and temperature. Taking candies off of steel pan after cooling off, candy makers start adding designs and messages on the candy. The wight of candy is about 10 kg at this point. It gets stretched to long bar like and smoothed on surface. Then, it is cut to appropriate size. This process takes 90 mim each and is repeated six to seven times a day.
Customers have choice of 30 different flavors. Fruits are drawn in side of candies. There are also seasonal limited candy gift such as for Christmas and Valentines Day. Customers can chose from candies in zipper bag (450 yen), candies in a bottle (700 yen-) and lolipop (400 yen-). The store recommends “Happy Birthday Mix” including flowers, message drawn in the side of candy and “Morris” that is “Thank you” logo on the candy with flavor of herb mix. Dean&Deluca also sells Papabubble candy.
Address: 1-15-13 Arai, Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 10:30-21:00 / Sunday till 19:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 03-5343-1286
Text: mina
Translation: Hiro AnanPapabubble
开放时间:10:30-21:00 / 星期日・祝日至19:00