

© Miraikan (National museum of emerging science and innovation)

© Miraikan (National museum of emerging science and innovation)

Located in Odaiba, Tokyo, The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation aka Miraikan was opened in July 2001 as a place for networking among people, believing science and technology are part of our culture東京・お台場に位置する日本科学未来館は、科学技術を文化として捉え、私たちを取り巻く社会に対する役割と未来の可能性について考え、人々が交流できる場として、2001年7月に開館。館長を宇宙飛行士の毛利衛氏が務めている。「科学がわかる 世界がかわる」をスローガンに、参加体験型の展示やイベント、セミナーなど、先端科学技術と人をつなぐ様々な活動を展開している。

未来館の取り組みのひとつである「科学を伝える」では、常設展示や特別展示、トークセッション、実験教室、ウェブ、印刷物、映像など様々な方法で先端技術を伝えている。常設展示のひとつには、館長の毛利氏の「宇宙から見た輝く地球の姿を多くの人共有したい」という思いから生まれた未来館のシンボル展示の「ジオ・コスモス」がある。6階までの吹き抜け空間に浮かぶ直径6.5m の球体の表面には、100万個にもおよぶLEDが様々なコンテンツを映し出している。




常設展示入館料:大人 600円、18歳以下 200円

Text: Mariko Takei
, and providing opportunity to discuss future roles of science and technology. The chief executive director is Mamoru Mohri, a former astronaut. With the slogan “Open Your Eyes to Science: See a Whole New World”, Miraikan offers various activities such as interactive exhibitions, events and workshops to link people to the cutting edge science and technology.

One of their activity is “Communicating Science”. With it, Miraikan communicates cutting edge science and technology through various methods such as permanent and special exhibition, talk sessions, science workshops, websites, and publications. One of the permanent exhibition is the symbol exhibit “Geo-Cosmos” which came from the Director Mamoru Mohri’s idea of “wanting to share with people the sight of our beautiful Earth as seen from space”. Floating in a six-story open zone, the surface of the 6.5 meter sphere Geo-Cosmos is covered with about 1 million LEDs and enable it to illustrate a wide variety of moving images.

The Dome Theater GAIA is a dome-shaped image theater with 112 seats, where you can enjoy the cutting edge science and technology in a various way including an advanced planetarium showcasing the realistic starry skies, and the next generation image experience with the Japan’s first All Sky super high precision 3D image system. In the VR Theater, you can experience a magnificent space journey from the solar system to the end of the universe. In addition, there provides many other programs and facilities in various ways to enjoy and approach to the cutting edge science and technology.

In addition to the permanent exhibit, Miraikan holds special exhibitions throughout the year, with various events, workshops and talk sessions. Recommend you to check the schedule prior to your visit. Miraikan is a place where all people from kids to adults can encounter something new with enjoyment.

In Miraikan, there is a museum shop where sells a collection of science goods, original goods perfect for souvenirs, ASIMO goods, products related to space, earth and the environment, observation/experiment kits, and books on science. There is a fast food shop at the ground floor and a cafe on the 5th floor for your rest. At the back of the cafe on the 5th floor, there is Baby’s Cafe where you can relax with your baby. On the 7th floor, there is a sky view restaurant LA TERRE where you can enjoy meals with a great view.

Miraikan (National museum of emerging science and innovation)
Address: 2-3-6 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 10:00-17:00
Closed on Tuesday
Entrance Fee: Adult 600 yen, Under 19 200 yen
Tel: 03-3570-9151

Text: Mariko Takei
承认:大人 600円、18岁以下 200円

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