



Nakameguro is a beautiful area in Tokyo and one of the most popular locations during the cherry Blossom Festival season due to its location along the Meguro River. It is a cool area, very residential – along the river it gets some kind of Amsterdam vibe due to the canal between the sidewalks. There are very nice stores, boutiques, cafes and restaurants. Yet in the area but slightly off from Nakameguro’s heart you find Waltz – you need to walk barely ten minutes from the station to get there but the stroll will pay off – arguably the most interesting music store in Tokyo dedicated to analog music only, with a focus on cassettes and records.東京・中目黒は都内でも特に人気のエリア。春には目黒川沿いの桜も有名だ。住宅街には運河もあることから、まるでアムステルダムのような雰囲気も感じ取れ、魅力的なお店やカフェ、レストランも勢揃いしている。中目黒駅から約徒歩10分のところに、個性的で面白いカセットテープとレコード専門店、「ワルツ」がある。


最近ではグッチのプロジェクト「Gucci Places」(グッチと文化的なつながりを持つ特別なロケーションを世界中からラインナップするプロジェクト)にも参加し、ポーチや旅行グッズなどのコラボレーション商品も登場している。


営業時間:13:00 〜 20:00 (月曜日定休)

Text: Victor Moreno
Translation: Chinami Oda
The concept is very daring, now that everything is digital. Nevertheless, there is a somewhat attractiveness in the vintage format which the savvy consumer is demanding. The tangibility that seemed to be lost through the millennial generation makes this vintage item coming into a new light, adding to it special values: apart from the warmness of the analog sound, design and format are enhanced. The store counts with a selection of artist ranging from a variety of genres: hip hop, experimental, ambient, soul, funk, jazz etc. The selection is very open-minded but also it takes into account the beauty of the final result as an item itself. Furthermore, to grasp the beauty of the classic format with current aesthetics, we recommend to follow their Instagram with images of cassette releases only.

The store is becoming more and more popular, for instance Waltz got into Gucci Places, a project the Italian brand launched to explore inspirational locations worldwide, and since then together they have done some co-labs such as tape pouches and travel equipment. In addition, they have a dedicated selection of vintage Walkman. One could think, “okay I’ll swing by the Tokyo Flea Market to find any of these kind,” but the truth is it is hard to find anything in mint condition and specific models as good as Waltz offers.

If for some reason you cannot go and visit the store at the moment, don’t you worry, go and take a look to their assortment online.

Opening Hours: 13:00 – 20:00 (Close on Monday)
Address: 4-15-5 Nakameguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-5734-1017

Text: Victor Moreno


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