丸若裕俊Hirotoshi Maruwaka

© Maruwaka. Photo: Koichiro Kutsuna
The Kamide Kutani Keigo Exhibition, “KUTANI CONNEXION” (Spiral, Omotesando) and “Medicine and Art” (Mori Museum, Roppongi) are some of the exhibits for which Kamide Choemongama‘s Kamide Keigo is garnering attention上出・九谷・惠悟展 「九谷焼コネクション」(表参道/スパイラル)、「医学と芸術展」(六本木/森美術館)などで注目を浴びる上出長右衛門窯・上出恵悟。そこには、日本の伝統工芸を新たな視点で現代に蘇らせようとしている、若きプロデューサーの丸若屋代表・丸若裕俊がいる。2009年のデザインタイドでは印傳(いんでん)という、数百年に渡り日本に伝わる鹿革に漆でプリントをした工芸を使用し、浅草の職人と共にデザインしたiphoneケース「otsuriki」を発表。一躍、丸若屋という存在を知らしめた当人だ。自らを民芸オタクだと話す丸若の、ものづくりへの熱き思いを伺った。
丸若屋 (まるわかや)
住所:東京都世田谷区中町1-20-6 #201
Text: mina. At the center of this effort to revive Japanese traditional crafts for the contemporary crowd from a new perspective is the young producer Maruwaka Hirotoshi, the representative of Maruwakaya. At DESIGNTIDE 2009, he unveiled “otsuriki“, an iPhone case co-designed with Asakusa artisans using inden, a Japanese craft of lacquer printing on deer skin, which is an art dating back several centuries. He is responsible for spreading the Maruwakaya name. Describing himself as a folk crafts otaku or geek, Maruwaka spoke of his passion towards monozukuri, or the art of making and creating.
How did you get involved in traditional crafts?
I was introduced to Kutaniyaki through some people, and that was my starting point. I was already interested in handiwork and Japanese culture, and was strongly drawn to the field. I would look at something Japanese the way most children may be interested in superheroes. At the time, I was not able to conceptualize whether something was old or new, if it was something artificial or cultural, but I just knew if something was hot or not. Back then, these objects were hotter than superheroes for me, simply put. As I grew up, I found out that Japaneseness was actually in our DNA, and that actually shocked me—to learn that my own ancestors, how many ever generations back, wore their hair in samurai-style. I felt that it would be a waste to end this ancestral line.
You probably have a stronger aptitude or sensitivity towards Japanese culture that led you to work in this field. All Japanese people have this “DNA”, but what do you think is different about you that made you this active in disseminating such tangible ideas.
I grew up in Yokohama’s Chinatown. I was always in a multinational environment. Even as a child, I was very conscious about Japanese people. I think foreign cultures are fantastic. But there is no doubt in my mind that Japanese culture should be considered any less than other cultures. And yet, young people of my generation in Japan turned towards the latter. I was very suspicious of this. I have never lived abroad, but since I grew up in a multinational environment, I have no inferiority complexes or hang-ups regarding foreigners. I recognize that foreigners can look very cool. But if they wore their hair in samurai-style, they probably won’t look too cool (laughs). That’s why I think there is a Japanese coolness, which I think can be a significant international standard. Even if a Japanese man wears an Italian suit, he will always be like a foreigner singing Japanese enka (folk ballads). I think at the very core, there is a yearning to look cool. But it is a question of whether we are talking about cool on the streets of Shibuya, cool by Tokyo standards, cool in Japan, or abroad. For me, it is not a matter of size—big or small—but the ability to hold my pride wherever I am. I can go to some foreign country and still say what I do and what I make. This makes for a very stress-free situation.
In 2010, China is going to outrank Japan in GDP, the manufacturing process is accelerating at an extreme pace, and Japan’s monozukuri is under pressure to transform in a global society. In such conditions, what do you think is the direction for Japan’s monozukuri? Please also expand on the future of Maruwakaya’s activities.
What we, along with artisans, are making is culture, and we are consolidating ethnicity in it. We are simply realizing concepts. It appears like it’s monozukuri, but it isn’t monozukuri. We are not making concrete objects, but soft concepts. For example, a glass is on sale at IKEA for 100 yen. But a Satsuma Kiriko (a Japanese glassware tradition from Kyushu) glass costs 1 million yen. Why is that? It’s because there is added value. First of all, I want to recognize that added value is a soft concept. Compared to hardware, model changes can be slower, because it is a concept. This is one of my understandings. That is why we have to produce items that can last 10 or 20 years, because they are concepts. There can be minor changes along the way, but we cannot enter the market with the same speed that cellular phone models change. Traditional crafts should not be bound by their hardware or concrete shapes. As long as we nurture the inner, spiritual aspects, even if their outward appearances transform, their essence will not change. That’s why if the current material society collapses, the soft side, the spiritual concept will become much more important.
As for future projects, inden will change a bit, and work with everyday objects. I also want to reconsider traditional crafts as a subject matter, so that’s a project I want to work on.
Could you share your recommended places in Tokyo with us?
Japan Folk Crafts Museum and Miyamoto Unosuke Co., Ltd. are significant spots where become a source of my creation. They are places where give me great courage, as it was created by devoting lives of people in the past to believe and rediscover what they have done. Another exciting place is an antique shop in Uguisudani called EXPO, where is very interesting place to visit rather than visiting to odd museums.
Address: #201, 1-20-6 Nakamachi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-6318-7431
Text: mina
Translation: Makiko Arima丸若屋
地址:東京都世田谷区中町1-20-6 #201