
A craftwork and industry designer duo “501DESIGNSTUDIO” was established by Souichi Takenaka who used to assist a contemporary artist and Hiroi Igarashi who works at a design office工芸と工業をテーマに活動している、工芸家とデザイナーのユニット「501デザインスタジオ」。現代美術家のアシスタントをしていた竹中壮一と、デザイン事務所に勤める五十嵐広威が、2008年に偶然再会したことがユニット結成のきっかけだったという。プロダクトが生まれるストーリーを大切にする彼らに話を伺った。
2009年に、日本金属洋食器工業組合の協力で「e・mul・sion 工芸と工業」という展示発表を行いました。これは、新潟県の燕(つばめ)市の町工場毎に抱えている在庫品の象徴的なデザインの品を集め、それを町工場毎に“現状”と“僕らの手仕事を加えたもの”を展示して、燕のモノづくりを知ってもらうことを目的とした活動です。
モノを売るということだけでなく、プロジェクトとしてこういった活動も続けていきたいと思っています。他には、使われなくなった古いスプーンを家庭から持参して頂いて、「鍛金」を施すワークショップ「SPOON PROJECT」なども開催しています。
Text: mina. They started to form the duo as they accidentally reunited in 2008.
Could you tell us about the concept of 501DESIGNSTUDIO ?
We separate our roles: I (Takenaka) am a craftsman and Igarashi is a designer. We comprehensively work from production to design. I had many opportunities to make products that are themed on traditional crafts since I was majoring craftwork at college. We now set our concept as “craftwork and industry”.
We are originated with the idea “thinking of what is creation” based from our previous experiences. I feel that the production process of designs existed in our lives is separated by the current change of manufacturing system. When we make things and when we come up with ideas, it’s something about one “action”. It can not just be lumped with “design” or “craftwork”. What we want to do is just doing things that are in front of us. Things move forward if we find a button on the floor, thinking what we can do with it.
What kind of creations do you pursue?
We think to work togeher on creation by taking consider its root of the subdevided creation. We hope we could offer total creations including various activities. And we also hope to build intimate relationship between traditional crafts and modern industrial systems by using excellent, old, and traditional techniques.
You have been releasing products to bring a new life into the purpose less things by utilizing traditional craft techniques and handworks.
For instance, there is bad circulation happening that huge amount of unsold stocks are thrown away. Then it produces new designs one after another, which will then be another many unsold stocks after few years. “GALATEA” is a product that is made by a handwork technique “TANKIN” hitting a metal plate by a hammer. We used the technique on a large unsold stock of spoons left in a warehous. We also engrave the word “HIT” on a hammer which will leave its action of hitting.
Button rings from “KANDATA” collection are made by the “Kanshitsu” technique which uses Japanese laquare. Kanshitsu is a technique originally used for making Buddha statue by taking lacquer on fiber and yarn to make it hard. The process is first making mold of it with clay, pasting cloth on it with lacquer, and then removing the clay mold. The inside of it becomes hollow, so it’s hard and light weight. It is a quite excellent technique, similar to the FRP technique in the modern days. “KANDATA” is the work which adds “Kanshitsu” technique to the purpose-less buttons.
Could you tell us other projects?
We held an exhibition called “e mul sion Craftwork and Industry” with a support by Japan Metal Western Tableware Industrial Association in 2009. It was the event which aims to let people know what Tsubame city in Niigata is making. We collected symbolic stocks from each factory in Tsubame city, and showcased those original stocks and stocks which we made arrange.
We want to continue projects like this not only selling products. And also we hosted a workshop called “SPOON PROJCT” that adds “Tankin” technique on unused old spoons gathered from each house.
Please tell us your recommended places.
Asakura Chousokan is the remains of resident as well as atelier of a sculptor Fumio Asakura (1883-1964), which is located in Taito-ku Tokyo. Due to seismic strengthening and cultural property protection, it is planed to be closed until March 2013. Mixing the western style architecture with reinforced concrete building and Japanese architecture with Sukiya style, it is a quite interesting architecture which symbolizes Japan where includes anything, as this place includes a reading room with old Western and Japanese books organized, tea room with ceiling made of Jindai Cedar, and courtyard formed with Confusion ideas. As college students, we used to visit this place to research the permanently installed sculpture. In this area there are many culturally important buildings and historical sites. We get many inspiration from the town where is known for “creation” (monozukuri) and where many vendors such as typographical printing live, along with the old town.
Amid a proliferation of industrial products, 501 Design Studio uses industrial technology based on manual work that witnesses the moment when a product comes to life, proposing tools that fit seamlessly into our lives.
The products of 501DESIGNSTUDIO is available at stores including CIBONE, SOUVENIR FROM TOKYO, and PASS THE BATON.
Text: mina
Translation: Akihiko Hamada