

過去4年間に渡りTシャツキャンペーンを毎年行ってきたユニクロ。これまでに手がけたTシャツは1000種類を超える。そのユニクロが2007年4月28日、原宿明治通り沿いにTシャツ専門ブランド「UT STORE HARAJUKU.」をオープンした。UNIQLO has had a T-shirt campaign every year for the last 4 years. It consists of over 1,000 shirts they produced. On April 28th, 2007. UNIQLO opened a new store on Harajuku Meiji Street called “UT STORE HARAJUKU.” which is a new brand specializing in t-shirts.




1階店内の中央には UTがイチ押しするアイテムのサンプルが整然と並び、気に入ったデザインが見つかればそのサンプルについているタグに書かれた UTコードと呼ばれる番号をたどると商品のストアーロケーションが分かるようになっている。

また、各階に設置されているTシャツ検索システムを使えば、色、形、カテゴリ別に店内に置かれた全商品を検索する事ができる。 値段もキッズアイテム以外は1500円と統一されており数多くのTシャツをスムーズに検索、購入できるシステムには感心するばかりだ。


4階はギャラリースペースになっており、現在は写真家テリー・リチャードソンの写真展が開催されている。 UTのTシャツを着たN.Y在住の若手クリエーター54人のモデル達の写真はブランド「UT」自体の今後の可能性や期待感と連動していきいきとスタイリッシュだ。今後、このスペースはTシャツに関わることや情報を展示し発信してゆく場所になってゆくとのこと。

「UT」は期間限定のブランドではなく、今後は世界規模で展開してゆくユニクロの新しい挑戦である。Tシャツはファッションの中でも自分のテイストを表現できる身近なアイテムのひとつであるし情報源でもあり文化の域にまで達していて、ひとつの大きなメディアになっている。ここ「UT STORE HARAJUKU.」はTシャツのアミューズメントパークであり、ファッションモンスター東京の新たな観光名所になりそうだ。


Text and Photos: Naoko Wowsugi

This brand has been set up to establish a new icon/brand “UT” or UNIQLO T-shirts. They welcomed designer Kashiwa Sato as creative director. Sato is also responsible for UNIQLO’s
advance into the New York market. UT is not only a place to buy creative t-shirts, but also a place where the style of buying t-shirts is creative.

The fourth floor of UT has a mechanical atmosphere. T-shirts were packed in bottles and lined up. As a concept, this store reminds me of a “future convenience store.”

These goods are in about 20 different categories and there are over 500 different patterns to choose from. A lot of artists, designers and collaborators have worked with various corporations that have been releasing their t-shirts. Each month UT is releasing a new design with new unique ideas. There are triple collaborations, which include Osamu Tezuka (a great Japanese animator), UT, and a third collaborator like Nagi Noda, Enlightenment, TOMATO, and other world famous designers. Also there is a chance for you to be a UT designer by submitting an original design for the “UNIQLO creative award”.

The hottest, most recommended t-shirts are in the middle of first floor. When you find something you like from here, just get the “UT code” on the tag, and it will help you find the same shirt in the store.

Also, you can easily find your favorite designs, colors, and shapes by using their T-shirt search system. And the price is set at 1,500 yen except children’s items. I was amazed by the system as it allows customers to shop at a very smooth pace.

The second and third floors are separated by men’s and women’s attire. There are simple and colorful collaboration t-shirts from Pantone Inc. (also known worldwide for the pantone matching system). They also come in V-neck shapes and tank tops.

The fourth floor has a photo exhibition of photographer Terry Richardson’s work capturing 54 young creative models in New York wearing UT t-shirts. It is very stylish and represents UT’s possibilities and expectations. This place will be used for information and displays about t-shirts in the future.

UT is not a limited period brand; it is a new challenge for UNIQLO, which expands their business worldwide. T-shirts seem like another big media outlet. It is one of the fashion items to show your own taste, but is also a source of information and cultures. The “UT STORE HARAJUKU.” is an amusement park of t-shirts and also will be a new hot spot in the gigantic fashion city in Tokyo.

Address: 6-10-8, Jungumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Open: 11:00-21:00
Tel: 03-5468-7313

Text and Photos: Naoko Wowsugi
Translation: Kimiyo Nishihara
UT 存储 原宿

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