

Photo: mina

Photo: mina

エスニックをモダンに解釈した、洗練された空間「QUICO(キコ)」。「QUICOのスタイル」の著者でもある山本弘美さんと小杉正佳さんのお店だ。欧米のモダンデザインに、プリミティブやエスニックなQUICO is a general interior store that combining modern and ethnic taste established by Hiromi Yamamoto and Seika Kosugi who are also author of “QUICO Style”感覚を取り入れたライフスタイルを提案している。表参道の大通りから、少し、その奥へと足を伸ばした先にある。ガラス張りの白い建物の中では、かわいらしい色合いのチャームやハンドクラフトの日用品、器などが、さんさんと太陽の陽射しをあびながら気持ちよさそうに並んでいる。


地下は、北欧の家具や現代アートを中心に、それまで個展でしか入手できなかった、韓国出身の李 英才のセラミックが常設され、山本さんも愛用する、アメリカ東海岸で作られている薄手のウールブランケットは、ベッドやソファーカバーとしてもひざかけとしても重宝するおすすめの一品。また、ウズベキスタンで婚礼などのハレの日に使われるという、独特の文様のテキスタイルなどが揃う。




Text: mina
. They are proposing primitive and ethnic taste life style.
The store is located in alley of Urasando-Odori and appears as a white glassed building. It carries various colors of charms, hand craft tools, vessels and etc.

Yamamoto said, “The characteristics of the QUICO is come from Kosugi who took three years importing various items from more than 110 different countries only by herself.” Items have common enchantment although price and taste are totally different. The reason is the store has strong idea and vision that never be influenced by capitalism and other businesses. Kosugi went abroad to buy items without having any translator around; therefore, she had intuitive vision of those items displayed in the store. People visit here because they admire the idea and the vision of QUICO.

In the basement space, Northern European furniture and modern art works are mainly displayed. There are also rare chinaware of Lee Young-Jae and fine thin wool blanket that Yamamoto also uses privately and recommends for using purpose of bed and sofa cover or lap lobe. There is also unique pattern fabrics that is used at wedding in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Besides selected fabrics, there are Ilmari Tapiovaara’s cutleries, Yoshinobu Shibata’s wooden lunch boxes, Kyoto Kaikado’s tea canisters, Enju wooden tea canisters that is made by 86-year-old artisan, the master of tea canisters manufacturing and other crafts on the first floor and semi-basement. There are also QUICO original shoes, accessories, and other original items. Hip items today are charms and cellular phone strap consist of Laotian, Finnish and Japanese parts. These items are state of art that combining culture of all over the world.

On the second floor, Kantha shawls exhibition was held recently in order to support children with disability. Kantha is a type of embroidery craft that is popular in West Bengal, India. QUICO continues to have exhibitions about artists and writes whom impress QUICO. Why don’t you visit to find your favorite items.

Address: 5-16-15 Jingu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 12:00-20:00
Tel: 03-5464-0912

Text: mina
Translation: Hiro Anan

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