
P2G 第二実験室P2G Second

© p2g

© p2g

In April 2010, Yusuke Kagari of “P2G gallery” expanded to a fittingly named “P2G Second” in Ningyocho. Yusuke explains that he decided to expand because wanted to do something he couldn’t at P2Gp2gギャラリー」のカガリユウスケが、人形町に「p2g第二実験室」を2010年4月中旬オープンした。『p2gギャラリーではできないことをやりたかった』と話す新スペースでは、カガリユウスケの身近にいるアーティストが手がけた日常的に使えるプロダクトを販売。また隔月のペースでトークイベントも開催し、今後はそのイベントと連動した商品アイテムや期間限定のリミテッドアイテムを紹介していく予定だ。



住所:東京都中央区日本橋富沢町4-11 岸ビル3F

Text: mina
, exhibiting and selling products created by the local artists. From this idea sprang “P2G Second” which continually features new artists provding a range of artistic items and styles. Also including limited edition pieces that coincide with monthly artist talks held at the gallery.

After walking up staircase lined with Sakura Kondo’s paintings, “P2G Second” spans three floors each with a small studio space. This new space gives many artists from P2G gallery the ability to show more of their artistic range. Exhibits have included knit pieces by “Mokely“, known as a graphic designer, which have great color combinations and a pleasing handmade look. Yusuke Kagari shows selected items such as recycle items, artist’s individual shirts, caps , and other accessories. Also on view is his bag collection with leather accessories like book covers and a card cases. Yusuke is especially proud of his “pincushion” series (1,575 yen) which are made from remnants from non-woven fabric bags with junk foods like pizza and hamburger are printed on them. The artists features rotate so stop in or check out their website to see who’s showing now!

The “P2G Second” building was featured in the Japanese TV drama series “Shinzanmono,” in episodes 1, 3, and 5. The gallery is located above a restaurant “Om Chan Tone” which is a popular spot around Ningyocho to stop in for their daily set specials. It takes about 10 minutes walk between “P2G Second” and “P2G gallery”.

P2G Second
Address: 3F Kishi Bld., 4-11 Tomizawa-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 14:00-20:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: 03-6206-2626

Text: mina
Translation: Yoshitaka Futakawa
P2G 第二个实验室
地址:东京都中央区日本橋富沢町4-11 岸ビル3F


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