

渋谷と原宿を繋ぐ明治通りのすぐ裏、キャットストリートに2005年にオープンし、2009年2月にキャットストリートから渋谷のファイアー通りに移転した「Nid」。Just on the other side of the part of Meiji Street that connects Shibuya to Harajyuku, Nid has opened its door in 2005 and now moved its location from the Cat Street to the Fire Street in Shibuya.デザイナーの個性を引き出すために、期間限定で、デザイナーごとに商品・内装をすべて変えて見せる、アート作品とも呼べる洋服が揃っている。そのデザイナーの世界観だけを表現するということは来る人に圧倒的なインパクトを与える。これが「Nid」という新しいショップの形を印象づけることになった。

これまでに交流をしてきたアーティストは、ロンドンのクリエーター集団「JanFamily」の活動でも世界を刺激するマーキン・ヤン・マ、独創的なグラフィックパターンで一線を画す「c.neeon」、総合芸術とも呼べる「fabrics interseason」のコレクション、グラフィックデザインを本業にする「UEG」、ほかにも「starstyling」、「BUTTERFLYSOULFIRE」など、実際に彼らの作品を見ればただ外見のファッションのためだけに服をつくっているのとは明らかに違うのがわかる。

その他の取り扱いブランド:A-1(ベルリン)、z.B.(ベルリン)、POSTWEILERHAUBER(ベルリン)、 Boessert/Schorn(ベルリン)、Marie-Louise Vogt(ベルリン)、Claudia Rosa Lukas(ウィーン)、Edwina Hörl(ウィーン)、ANIA KUCZYNSKA(ワルシャワ)、OLUHI(ワルシャワ)、KLING(ロンドン)、josefina lar(ロンドン)、Eric Lebon(パリ)、complexgeometries(モントリオール)、Desertic(東京)

住所:東京都渋谷区神南1-3-2 久保井ビル1F

Text: Naoko Wowsugi

The average select shop will choose clothing that fits the store’s color, that is to say the “concept” of the store. While the clothes to become part of the stores concept in some way, you can only begin to see the surface of the original designer’s intentions. In contrast, Nid aims to draw out the designer’s complete concept by completely changing the shop on a regular basis to create a kind of installation to exhibit the designer’s work. The concern treated effort to show only the viewpoint of the designer makes a huge impact on people who come to the store. That has become the impression of the new shop Nid.

Impressed by this fresh enthusiasm to show case the designer, last year the well-know trend setting shop La Foret Harajyuku took on the endeavor to create a limited-time special entrance booth to feature Nid. Currently, the space is limited and remaining items from several previously featured designers are lined up around the store, but in the future the director of the store would like to find a way to feature one original designer while also continuing to sell past collections on the side.

So far Nid has been introducing collections from European designers. The buyer, Mr. Takahashi, often visits Europe
and only after having an actual conversation with the artists and discussing the motivation and thoughts about the clothes will he decide to distribute the designer. Usually the connection between the designer and the clothes is missing from the communication to the customer but Mr. Takahashi intension is to take a more careful and developed approach by creating a strong connection with the original creator of the clothes, so for this reason he feels he must agree with the viewpoint of the designer and see their passion.
To make Nid a shop that allows the customers to feel a direct connection to the designer across the distance and understand the kind of person the artist is and what kind of thoughts he or she has, the staff is also impressed in an exchange with the clothing’s creator.

Distributed artists: “Making Jan Ma” who is participated in creator group “JanFamily” that base in London.”c.neeon” create unique and fantastic clothing pattern. Collection of “fabrics interseason“. “UEG” is originally graphic designer. What elese, “BUTTERFLYSOULFIRE“, “starstyling” and more. If you see their work in real life, you can tell this is not only fashion for surface. You can see their present, sight, philosophy, playful, message, and its background. Clothes talk a lot of things to your senses through the air in the space. Nid are going to distribute more artist both in-country and out-of-country to broaden their world.

Mr.Takahashi said “Nid means bird nest and gathering place in French. I would like to make this place somewhere where all great artists, regardless of being famous or infamous, can start their life”.
The shop staff, Mr. Takao Ishigami said “I just would like people enjoy our atmosphere and talk about how great fashion is”.

They know what they believe and how to enjoy fashion. Nid where all exciting people gather, stimulate your senses like magic.

Address: 1F Kuboi Bld., 1-3-2 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Open: 12:00-20:00 (Closed on Wednesday)
Tel: 03-5784-5448

Text: Naoko Wowsugi, Sam Bojo
地址:東京都渋谷区神南1-3-2 久保井ビル1F

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