“Glittery and Happy.” The designer Ms. Okano always refers back to these words when telling about her shop “Harcoza.”「キラキラハッピー」。HARCOZA(ハルコ座)のデザイナーであり、ショップのオーナーでもある岡野治子氏が、大事にされているキーワードだ。ハルコ座の洋服は、色も形も素材も細部までこだわられ、着る人への愛が込められている、色鮮やかで激しくもエレガント。本当にキラキラハッピーという表現にふさわしいものばかりだ。
住所:東京都渋谷区恵比寿西2-15-9 1F/B1
Text: Shinobu Ono
The clothes of Harcoza are touched by her heart. It is in the attention paid to colors, shapes, and materials as well as making the clothes lively and elegant. She knows that the very best expressions for them are “glittery and happy.” You will see her hearts in the space of the shop.
Going down the stairs to the basement floor, there is a gorgeous and romantic stage as if you have gotten lost in a fairy tale. The stage works for you as a fitting room with the silver curtain. Then you can experience excitement feeling like a princess in front of the mirror.
Ms. Okano has also gotten involved in the Arts. Several times in a year, the stage has been used for performing arts. She exhibits some contemporary artworks even at the shop, or selects unique goods by other designers.
She says “Clothes are so close to our life, and it is like magic to change our feelings.” Along with her presence, the glittery and happy power lets visitors feel happiness or excitement from other points of view.
Why don’t you stop by there to experience beautiful colored clothes and artworks for all seasons?
Address: 1F/B1 2-15-9 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:30 (Closed on Tuesday)
Tel: 03-6416-0725
Text: Shinobu Ono
Translation: Eiko Kondo