
グラニフ原宿ギャラリーgraniph Harajuku Gallery

© graniph

graniph is a store specialized in uniquely designed T-shirts. With more than 70 stores in Japan, the retailer has locations in Sydney, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. You can easily come across its red-letter logo日本全国に70店舗以上、シドニーや台湾、香港など海外へも進出しているデザインTシャツ専門店「graniph」(グラニフ)。白地に赤文字のロゴを、街を歩けば良く目にする。その旗艦店「グラニフ原宿フラッグシップ・ストア」が原宿・明治通り沿いにある。60坪ほどの広々とした店内にギャラリーが併設されている。ギャラリースペース自体の広さは大きく無いものの、ガラス張りの向こうに広がる展示空間に目が止まる。


2009年2月の原宿店のオープンの際には、佐野研二郎やファンタジスタ歌磨呂など24名の日本を代表するデザイナーが「ジャパンカルチャー」をテーマにTシャツデザインを作製し日本から世界に向けて発信。Tシャツのリリースと同時にギャラリースペースではキャンバスにプリントした作品を展示する「Japanese Designers Project」が企画された。


graniph Harajuku Gallery
住所:東京都渋谷区神宮前6-12-17 ダイヤモンドビル1F

Text and photo: Shinobu Ono
on white background by just walking around town.

The graniph flagship store is located on Meiji street in Harajuku. The large shop of about 200m2 also has a gallery. Although the gallery itself is not very big, the glass-walled space looks very unique.

graniph has a wide variety of unique T-shirt designs with illustration-, typography-, photograph-, and graphic-prints designed by illustrators and designers from all over the world.

“The concept of the gallery is to symbolize what is going to be fashionable in the next generation, which is also the concept of the store itself. We are always conscious of what is new and needed in this age” says Mr. Takizawa, a graniph publicist.

The gallery shows works of the artists who has offered their artworks for T-shirts. Also there are collaboration exhibitions of T-shirts and artworks.

For its opening in Feb 2009, 24 leading designers in Japan such as Kenjiro Sano and Fantasista Utamaro got together and created artworks for T-shirts under the theme of “Japan Culture”. At the same time, the gallery held an exhibition titled “Japanese Designers Project” showing the printed works on canvases.

At this gallery, there are always works of various artists regardless of whether they are famous or not. You might encounter a very special T-shirt while you go to see your favorite artist’s work, or you might get interested in the exhibition while you randomly come to buy some clothes. There is such a mutual interaction, you never know what you get. That little curiosity towards design can lead you to new unexpected meetings and experiences in this place.

graniph Harajuku Gallery
Address: 1F Diamond Bld., 6-12-17 Jungu-mae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 11:00-20:00
Tel: 03-6419-3053

Text and photo: Shinobu Ono
Translation: Sayaka Ito

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