Sauntering by the Tokyu department store Honten in Shibuya through Shoto down to Yoyogi park, you will find Yoyogihachiman station road渋谷の東急本店の辺りから松濤を抜けて代々木公園方面へのんびり歩いて行くと、代々木八幡の駅前にたどり着く。通りでは子ども連れの母親やいそいそと歩くビジネスマン、渋谷よりちょっとリラックスしたおしゃれな人たち、老夫婦など、さまざまな層の人に出会え、芳ばしい匂いをあげる焼き鳥屋やパン屋、フレンチスタイルの花屋、珈琲豆専門店などが並び活気がある。
毎週土曜日は青野賢一 (BEAMS RECORDS)や、馬場一浩などのDJ陣が、良質な音楽を提供している。DJと言っても、決して会話の邪魔にはならないラウンジミュージックがほとんど。DJタイムは土曜日のみだが、普段のBGMにもこだわりが感じられる。音楽が気になる方はオフィシャルサイトでNEWSOUNDのチェックを。
住所:東京都渋谷区富ヶ谷1-6-8 モリ-ビル1F
営業時間:11:30〜0:00 (L.O. 23:00)(土・祝日12:00〜)
定休日:日曜 (月曜が祝日の場合は日曜営業、翌月曜休)
DJイベント:毎週土曜日 夜(チャージフリー)
Text: Yuko Miyakoshi. You can meet mothers with children, business people striding down, people in more laid-back fashion than in the center of Shibuya, aged couples, and a whole variety of people on the street.
Lined with Yakitori diners and bakeries a good smell, French style florist’s and Coffee beans shop, the street is vibrant with life. The town also has reputable shop on the side selling, used book and variety goods which show a more attractive side of the town.
However, the town gets dark quite early. After 8 P.M., the station road turns dark, and it is difficult to find late diners that serves light meals to properly-cooked dishes that are satisfying. Then, there is a restaurant blinking on the street. “Newport” a restaurant where you could go when you want to dine in a cozy atmosphere at a late hour.
Once you open the glass door, you will be filled with soft light, and the good dishes and wine as well as music welcome you home. White walls, warm wooden floor, and a little offbeat feeling: Newport somehow has a family atmosphere within Tokyo.
Saturdays at NEWPORT features high quality music by DJs, including Kenichi Aono (BEAMS RECORDS) and Koichi Baba. They don’t put annoying music on, most of their selections are loungy, so people can dine without disturbing the conversation.
DJ time is Saturday only, but they put on some good music every day. For more information about their music, check NEWSOUND on their web site.
Moreover, they features exhibitions of photographs and art works on an irregular bases. There is a small space selling CDs and art books in the corner, people who are culturally sensitive are drawn toward this place.
They have plenty of original menu that includes salad using vegetables directly sent from farms in Setagaya Ward, Okuirise Aomori black pork dishes, and daily dinner plate special. The popular Bio wine from France is limited in stock on hand, please enjoy the changes in the taste when you go.
The owner says he wants to make his restaurant to be loved by the local people. It will be interesting to see how they grow in this town for many years to come.
Address: 1F, 1-6-8 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Open: 11:30-0:00 (L.O. 23:00) (Saturday and PH from 12:00)
Closed on Sunday
Tel: 03-5738-5564
Text: Yuko Miyakoshi