


Opened in April 2008, Indulge is a small counter French restaurant which became so popular that you need to wait for your reservation for 8 months2008年4月にオープンしたばかりだというのに、早くも予約は8ヶ月待ちという小さなカウンターフレンチ「インダルジ」。厨房色のシルバーで統一されたカウンターに座れば、シェフの自宅キッチンに招かれたかのようなアットホームな空間で、完璧な鎗田シェフスタイルのフレンチを堪能できる。フレンチ界に現れた新星の魅惑の味を待ちわびる人がとにかく多い、注目のレストランだ。








Text and photo: mina
. Seated at the counter kitchen, you can enjoy Chef Yarita’s perfect French dishes in the cozy space as if you were invited to chef’s home kitchen. Indulge is a hip restaurant where there are many people who is waiting for the magical taste of the emerging French chef.

The chef Yarita has studied linguistics in the US and he found a contemporary French restaurant in Chicago “TRU” where was his most tasteful restaurant during his study in the States. His enthusiasm toward the restaurant made him to ask for a job at the restaurant.

After his waiter experience in a fusion style Japanese restaurant, the chef Yarita got interested in cooking and studied the basic study at a culinary school before working at TRU. After his experience at 5 restaurants in the States and 3 in Japan, he finally opened his own ideal restaurant in Tawara-machi Tokyo in 2008.

Indulge has 5 seats only at the chef’s counter. As a result pursuing to open an ultimate restaurant, he wanted to make clear to whom he presents dishes. He wanted to take great care in offering dishes to customers. At Indulge, chef Yarita is the only person who serves every dishes by treating the customer ultimately.

Using seasonal ingredients, the menu changes monthly with one course only for the chef Yarita’s original French dinner. One group per day with appointment only. The course includes amuse, appetizer, fish, meat, pasta, sorbet and dessert.

With the olive-oil marinated meat dishes, you can choose your favorite drink from the selection only from made-in-Japan drinks such as red and white wines, sparkling wines, beers, juices.

Chef Yarita is good at English, so it will be great place for tourists and visitors from other countries.

Address: 3-19-17 Kotobuki, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: Appointment only
Tel: 03-5828-2228

Text and photo: mina
Translation: Mariko Takei


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