ヒガシヤマ トーキョーHIGASHI-YAMA Tokyo

© HIGASHI-YAMA Tokyo / Simplicity
Designed to evoke the feeling of airy ambience and the longing for authentic Japanese spirit. Persisting in the style of Simplicity and contemporary minimalism古代より自然と共生し、季節を愛でながら生活をしてきた日本文化。そんな日本人の感性というものに真摯に対峙し、現代における「不易流行」という真理のひとつの解を、デザインし続ける「SIMPLICITY」。文化とは生活であり、食をなくして文化は語れないという想いから生まれた、「HIGASHI-YAMA Tokyo」は、SIMPLICITYの原点でもあり、創業でもある和食レストランだ。
オープン当初瞬く間に話題になり、多くの業界人や感性豊かな素敵な大人たちに、10年を経て、今なお愛され続けている「HIGASHI-YAMA Tokyo」。中目黒の住宅街に静かに佇む隠れ家には、非日常へと誘う意地悪なまでの緊張感と、心温かい解放が共存している。
営業時間:18:00〜25:00(L.O.24:00)/ 20:00〜27:00(ラウンジ)
TEL:03-5720-1300 / 03-5720-1350(ラウンジ)
Text: mina, this experience will promise you an alluringly comfortable time.
HIGASHI-YAMA Tokyo is a Japanese style restaurant founded by Simplicity, considering “food” as the origins of culture. From the ancient times, the Japanese people have lived with nature, and Simplicity takes into account such feeling for authentic Japanese spirit by designing with an idea, continuity and change in Japanese culture.
In addition to interior design and its architectural design, HIGASHI-YAMA Tokyo was designed to represent their interpretation of Japanese style in food, tableware and even services. As you go inside, you will be first guided to a comfortable sofa for a moment and later to your seat to enjoy your meal. They designed to experience the subtlety of Japanese culture with their use of depth and balance of light .
They offer seasonal food with gracious manner. People gather to eat and drink this place to communicate with other people as if they were invited to a friend’s house.
Since its open 10 years ago, HIGASHI-YAMA has been a buzz among creative people and it is still a place they still love. You will enjoy extraordinary time and comfortable freedom in a hideaway-like restaurant located in the residential district of Nakameguro.
Address: 1-21-25 Higashiyama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 20:00-27:00
Tel: 03-5720-1350
Text: mina
Translation: Mariko TakeiHIGASHI-YAMA 东京
电话:03-5720-1300 / 03-5720-1350