


© BAR12

Good news for people who have graduated from frivolous party scenes and now place a high value on nice dialogue with friends in a relaxed but refined environment異性よりも、同性との語らいが再び楽しくなってきた大人の男性に朗報だ。創業して今年で310年という由緒ある酒屋・橋和屋跡地に、男同士が全ての重責から解放されリラックスしてお酒を飲めるような、バーに通うことが日常的な行為になりうるような場所が誕生した。「BAR12」(バー・トゥエルブ)だ。国道246号沿いにあり、深夜4時まで営業している。ホテルのバーのような敷居の高さはないが、大人になりきれていない者にはドアが重いバーかもしれない。背伸びが通用しない、お互いの素を楽しめるような大人たちが集まるバーだからだ。




住所:東京都世田谷区太子堂2-7-3 橋和屋東京1F

Text: mina
. Established this year on the previous premises of a liquor shop with a distinguished history of 310 years, this classy bar was created with the purpose of allowing friends to let go of their daily pressures, relax and enjoy a few drinks at a comfortable neighborhood setting, while generating loyalty that will make coming back to this bar a regular occasion. That’s ‘Bar 12’ for you.

Along Route 246, it’s open till 4am in the morning. Feeling somewhat like a hotel bar, but this place doesn’t really have any snobbish airs, or make it feel like if you’re not a established customer, the doors feel a little too heavy to open. That’s because it’s a bar that isn’t pretentious, and is a gathering place for like-minded matured individuals who enjoy casual conversation.

The lighting was designed by Shinji Yamaguchi, with architectural design by Ichiro Katami, and furniture design by Kazuya Sasaki. As it was the first time they were coming together to design something, there were multiple discussions and debates over the concept, but the eventual construction was inspired by a combination of ideas such as ‘masculine’, ‘indulgence’ and ‘maturity’.

Among the concepts discussed, there was a detailed, careful and precise consideration of illumination, in order to create lighting that would be appropriate for male buddies. For example, it took Shinji Yamaguchi a full day to adjust the lighting for the counter top to match the counter seat aesthetically. Since it’s neither too dark nor too bright, the exquisite balance achieved in the lighting gives off a pleasant feel.

The collaboration between Ichiro Katami, an expert at maximizing the space within areas with high ceilings such as Montoak and Kazuya Sasaki, a designer attentive to detail in furniture such as CA4RA, also produced better results than they expected.

In a cabinet almost 5 meters tall, things such as original accessories designed by Gris Gris, Floyd cup rings, Ante Vojnovic electric candles, Nooka perfume bottles and gift items received and personally selected by the owner are displayed. The entrance is decorated with a chair selected from Ante Vojnovic’s ‘Tango’ series, exuding the impression that just like the chair, which has to lean against the wall for support in just one of many other instances, this bar welcomes anyone who wishes to rest and relax, even if just for a while.

Incidentally, the 12 in ‘Bar 12’ carries several layers of meanings, born of the intricate consideration of the human circle, peace and harmony in humanity, as well as the five Japanese virtues. These are for the owner who enjoys music – the 12 notes of the musical scale. The first establishment of the liquor shop in the 12th year of the Genroku era. The 12 signs in Chinese astrology. Lastly, perhaps you’ll come to realize that hints to the answer all lie hidden in this article.

Address: Hashiwaya Tokyo 1F, 2-7-3 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 20:00-28:00 (Except Summer & Winter Vacation)
Tel: 03-6450-7212

Text: mina
Translation: Bonnie Oeni
地址:東京都世田谷区太子堂2-7-3 橋和屋東京1F


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