
© a-bridge
三軒茶屋は賑やかな街だ。首都高速が走り、246が走り、空が白茶けるまで飲めるバーもある。毎週日曜日には茶沢通りが歩行者天国になり、路地を入れば昔ながらのお店があるという、新しさと古さが共存したSangenjaya is a busy town. There are metropolitan toll ways and Route 246 is running. You can drink from dusk till dawn. Vehicles are shut out on Sunday and people come acrossカオティックな街だ。そんな街の駅からすぐ側にありながら、ちょっとわかりづらい雑居ビルの屋上に、アジトのような「a-bridge(エーブリッジ)」がある。
オーナーの舘さんは、『未来の世代に対するいい手本として、大人の遊び場のインストラクターでいたい』と、お店を立ち上げた熱い想いを語ってくれた。人との関係性が希薄になっていく軽薄な世の中で、どうすればいろんなものへの敬意や憧れが持てるだろう。生活の一部であり、人生の一部でもある仕事を大事にするとは、どういうことだろう。そんなことを問い続け、多くの人との出会いから、あるひとつの答えを見出した。“自分たちの行動力で何でもできる。世界は開かれているんだ” そんな想いを伝え、共有しながら、人が集まり何かが自然発生していくパブリックスペースとしてエーブリッジは生まれた。
ここで出会った仲間で構成されたコンピレーションアルバムや音楽を中心としたアートワーク活動、6月24日に第一弾がリリースされるという新しい音楽レーベル「ACADEMIC ANIMAL」の立ち上げ、日本全国のコミュニティを繋ぐフリーペーパー「MuKu magazine」。独自の活動を通して未来へ繋ぐコミュニティを育んでいる。何かが自然発生的に生まれるとき。それは、きっとこういう場所から生まれるのかもしれない。
住所:東京都世田谷区三軒茶屋2-14-12 RF
営業時間:15:00〜26:00 / 日祝24:00まで(水曜日定休)
Text: mina freely on Chazawa St. If you go one step into the alley, you can find old-fashion stores. Sangenjaya is a chaotic town that combines the past and present. A cafe “a-bridge” is located on the roof of a building near Sangenjaya Station. Sometimes, it is hard to find.
a-bridge is popular cafe, but also it is a hang-out for creators. People say that it used to be located in the Kawanaka public bath in Nakano-Shinbashi. It was also a bar open only on the weekend by using the bath manager’s cabin. One day, because of renovation of area, the Kawanaka public bath was turned into an apartment complex. To keep the memory of Kawanaka public bath and its history, the table of a-bridge was built from abandoned lumber from the Kawanaka public bath.
Mr. Tachi, an owner of a-bridge, said, “I wanna be an instructor of an adulthood playground.” He explained why he built this place. Today, we have a problem with lack of consideration to others. How can we show respect? How can we admire others? What is the meaning of making work the most important part of our lives? By keep asking these questions, meeting a lot of people, an answer came up: “Nothing is impossible. The world opens its door to you.” a-bridge is born with carrying those feelings.
a-bridge runs a free newspaper called “MuKu magazine” which features local communities all over Japan. There is also a new music label called ACADEMIC ANIMALAcademic Animal, which will be established on June 24th. People who hang out there create compilation music albums and art works. a-brigde keeps its independence, yet helps connect communities through their own way. If something neat happens, maybe it happens from place like a-bridge.
a-bridge has 40 seats. There is open terrace between April to mid-October. It serves mainly alcoholic beverages and other drinks. It also serves some food like “Today’s board meal”, Chicken curry (1,000 yen) and some sweets. It is opened until 2 a.m. on weekdays. Why don’t you try to meet new people here?
Address: RF, 2-14-12 Sangenchaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Open: 15:00-26:00 / Sunday till 24:00 (Closed on Wednesday)
Tel: 03-3418-5013
Text: mina
Translation: Hiro AnanA-桥
地址:東京都世田谷区三軒茶屋2-14-12 RF
开放时间:15:00-26:00 / 星期日・祝日至24:00