
© NO IDEA / Vacant
This space was named as ‘Vacant’ after the empty quiet room with which it began. The team of creators, ‘No Idea’, originally just two people, opened up the store in Harajuku, Tokyoがらんとした空間から始まったことから「VACANT」(空の)と名付けられたスペース「ヴァカント」。結成当初は2人だけだったクリエイターチーム「NO IDEA」が東京の原宿ではじめたこのお店は、いい意味で何でもありなスペースだった。「空っぽの空間に、使う人が色をつけてくれればいい」そんな半ば実験的なコンセプトでスタートして3年、ヴァカントはレンタルスペースとして、カフェとして、文化発信基地として、クリエイターやミュージシャンたちに利用されてきた。カフェのメニューは不定期で、イスと机はイベントに合わせてすぐに模様替えできるように、折りたたみ式。外国の農家のストレージのような、ラフな印象を残す店内。そんなちょっとアウトサイダー感のあるところがヴァカントの魅力でもあり、以前はどことなく、移動を繰り返しながら生活をいとなんでいく開拓者の住居のような印象を与えていた。あまりひと所に根付かないように、いつでも旅に出れるように。
内装は、NO IDEAメンバーの1人が手掛ける、空間プロデュースレーベル「DAIKEI MILLS」(ダイケイ・ミルズ) によるもの。驚かされたのは、今回のリニューアルのために造られたテーブルとレジカウンター。ダイケイミルズの手掛けた空間は「UTRECHT」や「ROCKET」でも目にしていたが、今回の空間と家具は、いつものとはカラーが違う。以前はプレーンな木材を使用するのが特徴的だったように見えたが、今回はぐっと落ち着いた色を施し、重量感が増している。特に背の高いレジカウンターは、アメリカのシェーカー村のキッチンにでもありそうな、味のある風合いに仕上がっている。
ショップスペースでは、国内雑貨の取り扱いが増えた。バイヤーが今リアリティを感じる「心を豊かにしてくれる」ような雑貨を取り入れていったら、自然と国内ものが多くなったそう。「HASAMI」(はさみ) の陶器や 「SyuRo」(しゅろ) の金・銀・銅の雑貨、「FUTAGAMI」(ふたがみ) の真鍮製品など、日本の工芸を生かしたシンプルなデザインのプロダクトが揃う。
メニューもリニューアルされ、日替わりの料理人が手掛けるベジタリアン料理、デリプレート(850円〜)やデリ(300円)がレギュラーで食べられるようになった。テイクアウトできる「TRE FLIP」(トレフリップ) のベーグルもおすすめ。重すぎない独特の歯ごたえは、ベーグルマニアならぜひ一度試してみて欲しい。
Text and photos: Yu Miyakoshi. This store, which has a rental space, café and shop, is pretty much open to anything. “People who use this place can make the empty space interesting” was the trial concept when this place opened. It has been three years and photographer Kozo Miyoshi has used the place for an exhibit, Naoki Ishikawa has done a panel, among many other talented artists who have been utilized the store. In January 2012, Vacant finished remodeling and reopened the store.
The interior decoration was done by Daikei Mills, a design group specializing in spatial design, owned by one of No Idea’s members. A register counter, decorated like the one at Shaker Village in the United States, and a solid café table were created by the organization, with admirably good craftsmanship.
The atmosphere inside the newly remodeled café space is now more relaxed than before, inviting people to not only dine but also to have a meeting or even just to read. Free Wi-Fi is also available.
The menu at the café has also been changed and vegetarian menus are available every day. A different chef comes up with a new menu everyday, providing a daily deli plate (850yen and up) and side dishes (300yen each) to customers. The chefs are very selective about the areas from where their vegetables are produced. This is very attractive to vegetarians who are in search of vegetarian food and people who have accepted a new value towards food. Bagels from Tre Flip can be ordered to-go and are also highly recommended. The bagels’ unique texture will make people go crazy for them.
The space facing into the entrance is used as a gallery, and new art gets installed every month by different artists. New art books and zines arrive according to theme of the installation, which is pretty awesome.
There are a good amount of people who come to Vacant to browse through the books. ‘Twelvebooks’ is an independent book label which only sells books that the staff really care about. Therefore, there might not be a large volume of books but customers will likely discover a book of interest here. In detail, they carry books the type of books that are very interesting now, but will be more interesting in future. This is the magic of the store.
The shopping space carries domestic goods carefully handpicked by the buyers with the theme of ‘enrich your heart’. The store carries products that are simple and detailed with Japanese traditional arts, such as ceramics from Hasami, gold, silver and copper zakka from SyuRo, and brass products from Futagami.
The second floor is a free space open to hold exhibits and events. They have teamed up with creators and held many of interesting events, and more will be coming. More information about the schedule can be found on their official website.
Vacant has returned more complete than before. The facade is now more noticeable and welcoming to all. The big open space provides big opportunities at Vacant. Quite an attractive way of reshaping the original meaning of ‘vacant.’
Address: 3-20-13 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 12:00-20:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 03-6459-2962
Text: Yu Miyakoshi
Translation: Yumico Miyagawa