東京国立博物館The Tokyo National Museum

The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures © The Tokyo National Museum
As one of the largest museums in Japan, the hallowed halls of the Tokyo National Museum are not unlike its Western counterparts. The cool stone walls transport visitors into another time and space東京国立博物館は、国内でも最大規模を誇る美術館。1872年に湯島聖堂大成殿を会場として開催した博覧会を皮切りに、日本で最初の博物館として誕生した。荘厳な大広間は、海外の美術館にも引けを取らない。静かな石壁が、時代を超えた異空間へと導く。上野公園を取り囲む街の喧騒は消え失せ、いにしえの美と対面する・・・。
入館料:一般600円,大学生400円 ※特別展は別料金
Text: Alicia Tan
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki
Images Courtesy of the Tokyo National Museum where the hustle and bustle of the city outside the surrounding Ueno Park, is forgotten and only age-old art is before them. Inaugurated in 1872 with their first exhibition at Taiseiden Hall, the Tokyo National Museum was the very first museum.
The Main Gallery, or Honkan’s design by Watanabe Jin, is emphatically more Japanese than its predecessor. The two floors of the Honkan are filled with 23 exhibition rooms, highlighting the evolution of Japanese Art from 10000 B.C. to the late 19th century. There is no dearth of Japanese art with the Honkan’s collection of ceramics, lacquerware, textiles, sculpture, armor and swords.
Directly next to, and accessible via a passageway from Honkan, is the Heiseikan in which definitive Japanese archaeological artifacts from ancient times are put on display. It also serves as the primary space for special exhibitions that the museum holds, and there are four such galleries devoted to this purpose on the second floor. The highlight is of course, ancient relics from Japan’s Jomon and Yayoi period.
The eye-catching dome of the Hyokeikan (Asian Gallery) is reminiscent of Western-influenced architecture of the late Meiji period. Despite its Western exterior, this annex of the museum offers to visitors an introspective view into the archeology and art of China, Korea, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East and even Egypt in its five exhibition rooms. Visitors are greeted by a magnificent mosaic floor upon entering the Hyokeikan, before the start of their journey into the expansive gallery.
Designed by Yoshio Taniguchi, the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures is the most modern addition to the Tokyo National Museum’s buildings. Not only has it been outfitted with the latest in conservation technology, there is a “digital archive” which visitors can use to view the entire collection of the Horyuji Treasures. The atmosphere of this museum is significantly more sterile; walking to the main display of Buddha statuettes laid out in the 2nd exhibition room is as though one is walking through a surreal science fiction set. Yet this is in a sense, a perfect setting for the priceless treasures from the Horyuji Temple in Nara.
The Tokyo National Museum is indeed suitable for a quick hour or two jaunt for those who are already visiting Ueno Park, but with the sheer volume and richness of the artifacts available for our viewing pleasure, even a week may not be enough to take in everything.
The Toyokan (Asian Gallery) is currently closed for renovations until 2012.
The Tokyo National Museum
Address: 13-9 Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Hours: 9:30-17:00 (Last admission at 16:30)
*Open until 20:00 on Fridays during special exhibition periods basically April – December.
*Open until 18:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays basically April – September.
Closed: Monday [Tuesday if Monday is a national holiday], Year-end holidays.
Admission: Adults 600 yen, University Students 400 yen
* High School / Elementary Students/ Persons under 18 and over 70 (Free)
* Special exhibitions require a separate admission fee.
Tel: 03-5405-8686
Text: Alicia Tan
Image Courtesy of the Tokyo National Museum