六本木ヒルズ パブリックアート&デザインRoppongi Hills’ Public Art & Design

Tatsuo Miyajima - Counter Void + Thomas Sandell - Annas Stenar
A giant 10m spider, trapping innocent passers-by under its black, spindly legs. Soulless eyes, attached to plastic, lurid bodies stacked on top of one another, glinting at you in the darkness黒く、ひょろ長く伸びた足の下に行き交う無防備な通行人達を捕まえる巨大な10mの蜘蛛。それぞれの足に繋がったプラスチック製のぞっとするような体から覗く無情な目が暗闇の中できらめいている。あなたはゴジラやロボットが攻撃してくるSF映画のセットに迷い込んだ訳ではない。六本木ヒルズの超高層ビルやしゃれたビルの中では、どの角を曲がってもその空想的な冒険のような風景に驚いてしまうだろう。これらは初代森美術館館長のデヴィッド・エリオットのキュレーションの下建築家の槇文彦、インテリアデザイナーの内田繁という世界で最も素晴らしいアーティスト達によって制作された。六本木ヒルズアート&デザインプロジェクトでは彫刻やその他の芸術作品を公共の場に一般公開し、市民が芸術と直接ふれ合い影響し合い、芸術と日常生活の場を融合し、現実世界と美的次元の間に存在する境界を取り払うための提案を行っている。
Text and photo: Bonnie Oeni
Translation: Ayano Yamada. No, you haven’t wandered onto the set of Godzilla, or a sci-fi movie with attacking robots. Amidst Roppongi Hills’ swanky skyscrapers and sleek buildings, surprises greet you as you turn every corner, in a visionary venture executed by the world’s finest artists, under the supervision of David Elliott, Director of the Mori Art Museum, architect Fumihiko Maki and interior designer Shigeru Uchida. In Roppongi Hills’ Public Art & Design Project, sculptures and other art works are open to the public gaze, a modern invitation for citizens to interact directly with art, mingle with art in their living space and dissolve the boundaries between real life and the aesthetic dimension.
Aside from ‘Maman’, the awe-inspiring sculpture of a spider erected by Louise Bourgeois in order to represent the streams of people and threads of communication and interaction coming together in cosmopolitan Tokyo, other highlights around the area include the innovative work of well-loved Japanese product designer Tokujin Yoshioka. Through the clever use of contours and the transparent qualities of glass, the chair he’s created disappears mysteriously in the rain, only for the spell to break magically with sunshine. Against the futuristic backdrop of Tatsuo Miyajima’s ‘Counter Void’ (photo), in which digital numbers flash randomly on a huge glass screen to the irregular rhythm of city life, passers-by find solace on a busy Keyaki-zaka Dori by sitting on Thomas Sandell’s chic chairs, or ‘Annas Stenar’. Mirroring the archipelago of Stockholm, these chairs are like floating oases for the weary traveller.
Shigeru Uchida’s ‘I Can’t Give You Anything But Love’ is a sexy, alluring bench that is as light and charmingly offbeat as the jazz tune it is inspired by, defying conventional forms that associate chairs with being weighty. Andrea Branzi’s ‘Arch’ thoughtfully erases the line dividing public from private space, by locating the interior of a room – open to passers-by to sit in – in the exterior world of the bustling city, voyeuristically looking on. Karim Rashid’s ‘sKape’, in its smooth curves and polished slickness, embodies the flexibility and sensitivity of the Tokyo landscape to changes.
With twenty world-class designers and artists commissioned for this project, a stroll through Roppongi Hills becomes slightly more than a stroll – it also becomes an interesting, relevant participation in the living, dynamic nature of modern art.