
© Rocket
原宿の明治通りを一本入ると、表通りの喧噪とは一線を画した裏原宿ワールドが広がる。そこにはクリエイターたちの発想が生きた店が並び、歩いているだけでもわくわくしてしまう。地図を片手に、さらに知っている人しか入り込まない路地へAs soon as you detour off Meiji Street in Harajuku, you enter the world known as Ura-Harajuku (Behind – Harajuku). It has a different character from the wide cosmopolitan main street。細い道を抜けると、宇宙基地のような不思議な建物がある。そこが食とアートのギャラリー「ROCKET」(ロケット)だ。2011年9月のリニューアルオープンでは、吹き抜けの白い空間に「DAIKEI MILLS」デザインによるキッチン小屋が出現。ラフな木材でかたち造られた構造は、1階部分がオープンキッチン、2階部分が展示スペースになっている。
food x art space by ROCKET
Text: Yu Miyakoshi. The area is filled with stores overflowing with creativity just by walking past them you get a thrill of excitement. With map in hand, you venture into a lane that is rarely known to outsiders, you then navigate your way along a narrow street until you come to a building that resembles a base station in outer space. You have arrived at Rocket, a gallery for food and art. A kitchen cabin – designed by DAIKEI MILLS – has been setup in a white open space of the gallery since they re-launched in September. This wooden cabin is a kitchen on the first floor, and an exhibition space on the second.
On the walls and racks usually assigned to present artworks in any regular art gallery, here, it is used to show fresh groceries, snacks baked by artists and books related to food. A new concept promoted by Rocket, “Art in Everyday Life” can be found everywhere.
The first project after the re-launch invited Nami Iijima – food stylist for movies and advertisements such as ‘Kamome-Shokudou’ and ‘Megane’ – as the temporal owner. Iijima exhibited some of her own dishes and a film directed by ‘Fantasista’ – a company known for their direction Kewpie commercials. The show recreated a kitchen where you enjoy the world of food and food enzymes. Good food often has a strong aesthetic, which ponders the existence of the relationship between art, and food and food as art. At Rocket, a creator who is passionate about food becomes a temporal owner of the show and visitors can enjoy a menu that corresponds with their project.
Items that are related to food and recommended by the temporary owner can be found in the Art Grocery Shop. There are goods such as handmade aprons, tote bags, bowls, tableware, books selected under a theme of food, organic nuts and pickles and original granola. There is s a lot to take in during the whole experience as a culinary concert goes on around you. Examples of creators who got involved in the first series are fashion designers such as ‘cikolata’ and ‘writtenafterwards’ with more creators are lined up to join in.
Rocket is not just a space to revel in food and its functions. Workshops and events are run regularly and everyone is invited. Rocket encourages the space for all to experience this new manner of an art gallery, learn new things, meet new people and not just leave after observing.
Although we love talking about art, food is never far away from the discussion. It is especially pleasing to hear stories about food and everyday life from professionals with detailed knowledge about food. It will provide us with a path towards the world of food that we usually consider as either very complex or too deep.
Rocket is a place that places itself outside the framework of white-cubed galleries. Establishing itself as a place that exists between the everyday and the unusual, more importantly a place where you can experience new feelings. Rocket’s atmosphere constantly renews itself as the temporary owner changes, making it a place one can always enjoy to visit every now and then.
food x art space by ROCKET
Address: 6-9-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-3499-1003
Text: Yu Miyakoshi
Translation: Meiko MaruyamaRocket