
東京国立近代美術館The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

Photo: Norihiro Ueno

Photo: Norihiro Ueno

The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, otherwise more affectionately known to museum aficionados as MOMAT consists of the Museum itself (photo) in Takebashi, and the Crafts Gallery located日本で最初の国立美術館として1952年に開館し、パイオニア的な存在として他の日本の国立美術館を牽引してきた東京国立近代美術館(MOMAT)。北の丸公園内にあり、本館(写真)と工芸館とで構成されている。所蔵品は約1万点に及び、その9割強が日本人アーティストの作品という、世界的にも珍しい近代美術館だ。日本で発展してきた近代美術に深く触れることができ、日本の近代美術を学ぶには最適のスポットである。


所蔵品の中には、パウル・クレー、フランシス・ベーコン、岸田劉生などがあり、期間で入れ替えて展示を行っている。魅力的な企画展も定期的に開催されている。これまでの企画展には、「建築はどこにあるの?7つのインスタレーション」、「河口龍夫展 言葉・時間・生命」、「ウィリアム・ケントリッジー歩きながら歴史を考える そしてドローイングは動き始めた······」などがある。


観覧料:(本館所蔵作品展)一般 420円、大学生 130円
    (工芸館所蔵作品展)一般 200円、大学生 130円

Text: Alicia Tan
Translation: Chihiro Miyazaki
Images Courtesy of The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
about a block away in the Kitanomaru Park. In contrast to other MOMAs around the world, MOMAT prides itself on having a permanent collection of around 10,000 works of art with 95% by native Japanese artists – thus bringing to visitors a one-of-a-kind insight into modern art as it developed in Japan.

MOMAT is certainly a good place to start, when learning about Japan’s modern art movement. The museum itself is considered to be the first National Museum of Art in the country and has pioneered the way for other national art museums since 1952. Moved in the current premises in 1969, the museum was renovated in 2002, and now houses over 4500 square meters of exhibition space over 4 floors. MOMAT counts the works of Paul Klee, Francis Bacon, Ryusei Kishida and Yayoi Kusama amongst its collection.

Visitors start up on the fourth floor and work their way down to the second, in order to experience the evolution of modern art in Japan. The Art Museum Collection Gallery has about 200 seminal works from its collection constantly on display and rotated, ranging from foreign works to important Cultural Properties arranged into “chapters”. This evokes a sense of an unfolding story as visitors explore the expansive galleries. From the striking portraits from the Meiji and Taisho periods, to pieces marked by the effects of the War, MOMAT extends their visitors’ experience into the print and photography genre as more recent forms of art.

The ex-headquarters of the Imperial Guards now serves as MOMAT’s annexed Craft Gallery. It houses modern textiles, ceramics, laquer ware as well as other traditional Japanese crafts. The Craft Gallery frequently updates its exhibitions with delightful and thought-provoking pieces from its collection and will be sure to please the most discerning art or craft connoisseur.

The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Address: (Museum) 3-1 Kitanomaru-koen, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
(Crafts Gallery) 1-1 Kitanomaru-koen, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: Museum 10:00-17:00 (Friday until 20:00), Crafts Gallery 10:00-17:00
* Last admission is 30 minuites before closing.
Closed on Monday [Tuesday if Monday is a national holiday]
Admission: Museum Adults 420 yen, Students 130 yen / Crafts Gallery Adults 200 yen, Students 130 yen
*Different fees will be charged during major special exhibitions.
Tel: 03-5777-8600 (Hello Dial)

Text: Alicia Tan
Image Courtesy of The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

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