
ミヅマ・アート・ギャラリーMizuma Art Gallery

© ai yamaguchi・ninyu works, Photo: Kei Miyajima, Courtesy Mizuma Art Gallery

© ai yamaguchi・ninyu works, Photo: Kei Miyajima, Courtesy Mizuma Art Gallery

Much like contemporary art, Mizuma Art Gallery never stays in one place: it constantly renews itself, exposing itself to new environments and situations, always adapting to the changing times現代アートがそうであるように、ひとつの場所に止まることのないミヅマ・アート・ギャラリーは、新しい環境に足を踏み入れ、世の中の移り変わりに適応していくことで、常に自らを改革し続けているギャラリーだ。



ミヅマ・アート・ギャラリーの雰囲気は圧迫感がなく、アーティストと観客が空間を共有できる場所を提供している。代表的な展覧会に、ジム・ランビー「P.I.L.」(2004年)、棚田康司展「結ぶ少女」(2009年)、山口藍展 「きゆ」(2010年)などがある。これらからもアートに対して古いしきたりを持たず、創造性や独創性をとても大切にしているのが分かる。


Mizuma Art Gallery
住所:東京都新宿区市谷田町3-13 神楽ビル2F

Text: Alicia Tan
Translation: Mariko Takei
. Founded in 1994 by Mizuma Sueo, the gallery has always been in the centre of Tokyo’s art scene, having curated galleries in Aoyama (1994-2002), Nakameguro (2002-2009) and now Ichigaya-Tamachi (2009 – current). It prides itself on being unique, counting amongst their diverse pool of Japanese and international artists, Aida Makoto, Yamaguchi Ai Konoike Tomoko and Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba.

As a possible nod to its focus on change, Mizuma Art Gallery’s artists seem to frequently deal with the constant tension between traditional Japanese styles of art with contemporary trends. In setting up a unique space for such discourse, it is clear that the gallery is not satisfied with merely being a recipient of contemporary art: Mizuma Art Gallery has been an active participant in local and international art fairs, and was invited to participate in the prestigious ART BASEL in Miami.

The atmosphere in Mizuma Art Gallery is never oppressive and seeks to provide a place where both artist and audience can coincide. Notable exhibitions include Jim Lambie’s “P.I.L.” (2004) , Tanada Koji’s “girl tying” (2009), and Yamaguchi Ai’s “kiyu” (2010). There is none of that old school condescension and “pooh pooh-ing” on art that might otherwise seem odd. Creativity and individuality always comes first, and walking through the gallery, it is easy to lose yourself in the flux of each artist’s work.

This ethic of never stifling artists is carried on in their branch-gallery dedicated to promoting young and upcoming artists. Mizuma Action, as it’s called, was first created in 2005 and now occupies the second floor of their old Nakameguro premises. Mizuma Action picks up where Mizuma Art Gallery has left off, taking action on young and independent artists who might otherwise fall through the cracks. Their first overseas branch Mizuma & One located in Beijing, China was founded in 2008, “Mizuma Gallery” in Singapore, 2012 and caters to Asian artists and art-buyers.

Mizuma Art Gallery
Address: 2F Kagura Building, 3-13 Ichigayata-machi Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 19:00
Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and National Holidays
Tel: 03-3268-2500

Text: Alicia Tan
Mizuma Art Gallery(三潴艺术画廊)
地址:东京都新宿区市谷田町3-13 2F


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