
三菱一号館美術館Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum

Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum

© Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.

With the vision as a museum at the center of urban life, accessible Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum is located in Marunouchi, Tokyo都市生活の中心としての美術館という視点で、利便性も重視した三菱一号館美術館は、JR東京駅から徒歩5分の丸の内の一角に建つ。2010年初の開館後は、19世紀後半から20世紀前半の近代美術を主題とする企画展を年3回開催している。





Text:Aya Shomura
where within a 5-minute walk from JR Tokyo Station. Since its opening in 2010, present three or four exhibitions a year which focus on the 19th century modern art signifying the sources of modern society.

The red brick museum building was restored based on the original design of the office building built by British architect Josiah Conder (1852-1920) in 1894, at the invitation of the Japanese government not long after the country had ended a long period of national seclusion. The structure, erected by Mitsubishi as the first Western-style office building in Tokyo’s Marunouchi district. Having aged significantly, the original structure was torn down in 1968, and now, some 40 years later, it has been reconstructed on the same lot according to Conder’s original plans. As part of the restoration project, along with a review of the Meiji-era blueprints and survey maps dating from the building’s dismantling, extensive surveys of various documents, photographs, and extant structural components were conducted. In addition to reusing some of the building’s interior components, such as the handrails for the staircases, the structure was reproduced as faithfully as possible down to the use of specific building methods and architectural techniques.

Its collection of works from artists from the end of the 19th century, including Toulouse-Lautrec, Odilon Redon and Félix Vallotton, relate in so many ways to the geographical and historical nature of Marunouchi, which developed as a portal to Japan, which has been open to the world since the Meiji era. This is because an abundance of creative activity flourished particularly from the 19th to 20th centuries due to the close connection between the city and art, as well as from profound art exchange between Western countries and Japan, other Asian countries, and Africa. And while building networks with numerous museums around the world and other cultural facilities in the surrounding area, they develop their activities on a longterm basis in an international setting. By searching for links between the dynamic contemporary beauty and the inherited historical beauty, they provide new perspectives on art to the wide range of people.

You can visit the museum on a whim on an ordinary day as go about your daily life, and once you are inside, an encounter with spectacular beauty and a new sense of values awaits you, including a classic museum cafe “Cafe1894“, museum shop “Store1894” and display area about the history of the Marunouchi “Archive Room“.

Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum
Address: 2-6-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (Final Week of Exhibitions: Monday–Friday 10:00–20:00. If Friday is a national holiday, close at 18:00)
*Last entry is 30 minutes prior to closing time. Hours are subject to change.
Closed on Mondays (except when Monday is a national holiday or final week of exhibitions), year-end holiday, January 1, and while exhibitions are being changed.
*Closing dates are subject to change
Admission Ticket price varies by event.
Tel: +81(0)3 5777 8600 (Hello dial)

Text:Aya Shomura

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