© MEM Inc.
MEM, the art gallery which has been displaying modern artists from Kansai, has moved from Osaka to Tokyo. Its reopening on the 2nd floor of ‘NADiff A/P/A/R/T’ building located in Ebisu関西出身の現代美術アーティストたちを紹介してきた、大阪のギャラリー「MEM」が東京、恵比寿の「NADiff A/P/A/R/T」2階に移転した。東京人にとっては、澤田知子、森村泰昌など関西出身のアーティストの作品と直に触れる機会が増えることとなる、うれしいニュースだ。
住所:東京都渋谷区恵比寿1丁目18-4 NADiff A/P/A/R/T 2F
Text: Chihiro Miyazaki is welcome news to people who live in Tokyo. They now have more opportunity to see the work of Kansai-based artists like Tomoko Sawada and Yasumasa Morimura.
Going up the white painted spiral staircase, you can find the door of MEM. The white wall space allows the visitor a sincere connection with the real artwork. Through this connection visitors are able to discover things about themselves that they did not know. After the relocation, a new exhibition of the photography unit Rong Rong & Inri is worth a visit along with the work of many other artists.
Address: 2F NADiff A/P/A/R/T, 1-18-4 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 12:00-20:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: 03-6459-3205
Text: Chihiro Miyazaki
Translation: Kazuyuki Yoshimura