カイカイキキギャラリーKaikai Kiki Gallery
Kaikai Kiki LLC, run by artist Takashi Murakami, is an art production company that operates in many fields including management and promotion of artists and art festival organization村上隆の個人事務所から発生し、現在はアーティストのマネジメント業務に端を発しグッズの制作販売、管理、ブランディング、アニメーション、漫画等のコンテンツ制作管理等をも行うアートの総合商社カイカイキキ。
住所:東京都港区元麻布2-3-30 元麻布クレストビルB1F
In 2006, Kaikai Kiki moved its headquarters from a small prefab studio in Saitama’s Asaka city to a sophisticated urban office building in Motoazabu, Tokyo. It was also at this time that they began using the basement floor of the building as a private viewing room for select guests. In March of 2008, this previously exclusive space was reopened as Kaikai Kiki Gallery.
Through the management of artists and sale of artwork, the gallery’s goal is to create and establish an operation that will imbue art itself with a new social value. Exhibitions are regularly held both for resident Kaikai Kiki artists and international figures such as Mark Grotjahn, Matthew Monahan, Seonna Hong, and Friedrich Kunath. Kaikai Kiki will continue to invite artists from both inside and outside of Japan to exhibit, helping to create new and deeper links between art and the world at large.
Kaikai Kiki Gallery
Address: B1F Motoazabu Crest Bld., 2-3-30 Motoazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 11:00-19:00 (during exhibition date)
Tel: 03-6823-6038
Translation: Ayako Ishii