ギャラリーここgallery koko

Photo: Manami Takahashi
“gallery koko” is a non-regular gallery, located on the 2nd floor of a classical building near Ebisu Station. It is operated by the press officer of Staff International Japan that runs several brands including Maison Martin Magiela恵比寿駅のほど近く、クラシカルなビルの2階にある、不定期開催のギャラリー。メゾン マルタン マルジェラなどを展開するスタッフ インターナショナル ジャパンの新たな展開として、2010年10月に同社の広報と編集者により立ち上げられた。コンセプトは「都心で、ソファやイスに座りながら現代アートをゆっくり&ゆったり見て過ごす空間を作る」というもの。
gallery koko
住所:東京都渋谷区恵比寿南2-8-13 キョウデンビル2F
営業時間:12:00〜18:30 ※不定期開催のため、会期中のみ営業
Text: Shinobu Ono and the free-lance editor, was opened in October, 2010 by the PR department and the editors. Its concept is to create a space to enjoy contemporary arts in the city center, kicking back and relaxing on a sofa or a couch.
Based on this casual concept of being intermediate between gallery and lounge, “gallery koko” holds exhibitions featuring artists and galleries of Japan and elsewhere. The walls and the ceilings that were originally there add ambience to the place more than a white cube could. The architecture is well-reflected and can be transformed into a nice and unique venue at each exhibition to warmly welcome the visitors.
gallery koko
Address: 2F Kyoden Bld, 2-8-13 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 12:00-18:30
Tel: 03-5794-9940
Text: Shinobu Ono
Translation: Ayako Ishii