
© g3/
g3/ is a combination of ‘art gallery’, ‘edit room’ and ‘school for editorial practices: superschool’. The space opened in “3331 Arts Chiyoda” in March 20102010年3月、千代田区の秋葉原にオープンした「3331 Arts Chiyoda」の中にオープンした「g3/」(トリプルジー) は、編集学校「superschool」、「gallery」、編集を主軸としたスタジオ「editroom」が融合したプロジェクトルームだ。後藤繁雄氏によるエディトリアルの教育的視点で14年間行われてきた「superschool」の拠点として、また隣のギャラリーでは若手アーティスト支援として展示が行われる。教育が行われる場とギャラリーとが融合した空間となっている。
次世代の教育支援を担っているという点において、恵比寿にある「NADiff A/P/A/R/T」の2階にある「G/P GALLERY」は姉妹関係に当たるギャラリーである。「G/P」とは「Graphic/Photography」の意味であり、新人発掘を始めとした写真にまつわるあらゆる企画を行っている。
g3/ (トリプルジー)
住所:東京都千代田区外神田6丁目11-14 3331 Arts Chiyoda 303-4
Text: Memi Mizukami, just off from the busy crowd of Akihabara Tokyo. The director, Shigeo Goto has the vision to establish an experimental art project room, operating as the platform for editorial practice, editorial school and the gallery representing young talented artists.
g3/ gallery was opened as the sister gallery of ‘G/P gallery’ in NADiff A/P/A/R/T, also fostering the promising artists who would explore the frontier of contemporary art and photography. g3/ gallery represents 5 young artists: Akiko Ozasa, Toshiyuki Kajioka, Ai Kawano, Hyon Gyon, Miyuki Mitsui. They will present these artists’ projects and exhibitions to the audiences all around the world. We are also eager to organize events such as TOI (Tokyo Open Intellects), which aims to bring the contemporary art and the thoughts. The gallery’s mission is to bridge between the young talented artists and collectors, curators, dealers and other collaborators across the world.
As well as the gallery, Shigeo Goto also started the school for editorial practices called ‘superschool’ again in this new space with a little funny, sentimental taste of old school days. A wooden grid on the ground and a veranda made of concrete feel like the good old times.It is the classroom to give us a new lesson. What can we study now as grown-ups? What did we learn in those school days? It’s time for school again!
g3/ (tripple g)
Address: 303-4 3331 Arts Chiyoda, 6-11-14 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-3835-1813
Text: Memi Mizukami
地址:东京都千代田区外神田6丁目11-14 3331 Arts Chiyoda 303-4