



Art space “CAPSULE” is opened at Mishuku, Tokyo in summer 2011. As you go down the stairs to the basement, you will find the cafe “SUNDAY” and a white cubic space. At “CAPSULE,” you can see artwork2011年夏、東京・三宿にオープンした アートスペース「CAPSULE」(カプセル)。地下への階段を降りて行くと、吹き抜けの地下空間にカフェ・アート・レストラン「SUNDAY」(サンデー)があり、その隣にホワイトキューブを備えた空間がある。ここ、カプセルでは、現代アートコレクターならではの目線で紹介されるアート作品を見ることができる。



2011年8月のオープニング時の企画展「カウボーイとフォトン」では、青山悟(写真上)、秋吉風人、榎本耕一の作品を紹介し、バックグラウンドや表現手段の全く異なる作家による実験的なコラボレーションを見せた。また、「クロスカウンター・日英アーティスト共有展」では、「XYZ collective」とのギャラリーをまたいだコラボレーション企画を展開。チックス・オン・スピードや澤柳英行、松原壮志朗などのアーティストがそれぞれに3.11以降の表現をし、見事な共鳴を見せた。


営業時間:会期中 12:00〜19:00(会期についてはホームページをご確認ください)

Text: Yu Miyakoshi
which is introduced by contemporary art collectors.

The owner, also an art collector, wanted to create a new kind of art space which is neither a commercial gallery nor an alternative space. He opened this space to show collector’s private collections and his own, which are not suitable for commercial galleries, also to do some experimental collaborations with artists.

Collectors have a different responsibility from curator’s to purchase artwork. It is still hard to find galleries in Japan which exhibit the collector’s collections. “What is the pleasure in collecting contemporary art?”, I asked the owner. He answered that the pleasure is to buy unvalued artwork from living-artists and talk to them about their work. “Contemporary art is interesting because we can learn about the concepts and the artist’s personalities,” he added. I could feel his affection to the artists and his wish to approach new-coming expressions from his speech. There are some collectors whose purpose is not only collecting but also supporting the artists.

The first exhibition in August 2011, “Cowboy and Photon” showed the experimental collaboration between three different artists, Satoru Aoyama, Futo Akiyoshi and Koichi Enomoto, whose backgrounds and ways of expression are totally different. “Cross Counter Round Tokyo 2011” was a joint exhibition with “XYZ collective”. The young artists, including Chicks on Speed, Hideyuki Sawayanagi and Soshiro Matsubara, created a resonance by representing their work after 3.11.

“CAPSULE” is planning to show antiques, furniture, craft, fashion and letterpress printing in the future. I would like to get in touch with a great charm of collectors who are attracted by not only contemporary art but also something beautiful and interesting.

Address: 2-7-12 Ikejiri, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 19:00 during exhibition
Tel: 03-6413-8055

Text: Yu Miyakoshi
Translation: Fumi Nakamura


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